Saturday, August 27, 2016

Diablo 3 Season 7 Update

Well I have been playing a lot of Diablo 3 season 7 lately.  I didn't get off to a good start this season but for now I feel as though I pretty much caught up to where I want to be.  I managed to hit level 70 pretty quickly but after that I was having some computer/connection issues.  It seems as though at some areas in Diablo, it would make my screen freeze off and on (I noticed especially in the Keeps lvl 1 in Act 3).  This is very problematic because I play hardcore and at any given time, I could lose control of my character and die.  It wasn't a big problem at first but after a while, there is a sinking feeling that you could lose your character in a heartbeat.  I managed to get up to paragon 300 when I was hit with my first death.  Like I was saying, it didn't bother me that I died but it did suck since I had no control whatsoever in terms of saving my character.  I quickly leveled back up to 70 again and started grinding again. 

I managed to save an extra Helltooth set so when I hit 70 again, my character was pretty much back to where I died.  Unfortunately, this season has been very horrible in terms of the quality in the drops of loot.  I was having lots of trouble finding any type of ancient gear this season.  Ironically, my first legendary that I gambled for was an ancient Uhkapian serpent, which unfortunately I lost when my first character died.  It has been a real grind to get my ancient gear so far.  I did finally manage to get another ancient Uhkapian serpent (but it took such a long time) and now finally I am starting to find some ancient Helltooth set items.  I tried to re-roll a Sacred Harvester into an ancient one but so far (after 7 attempts) none of them are ancient.  One item that I did find that really surprised me was an ancient Furnace.  It has some pretty sick stats on it:
I re-rolled to get 10% weapon damage (it came with 6%), it rolled with 1463 int (the max is 1465), it has the max attack speed 7%, and it has the max damage against elites 50%.  I have never seen another ancient furnace like this one.  I think I will send this item to the Westmarch Workshop. 

Overall, I am pretty happy where I am at right now for the season.  I am almost at pargaon 600 for the season and I am almost done with the Destroyer season journey.  I managed to reach a greater rift 66 and I know I can go higher than that.  I am hoping to reach paragon 800 and finish the Slayer seasonal journey by the end of the season.  I have another week off in September so I am hoping that I will manage to achieve these goals soon.