Sunday, April 9, 2017

Diablo 3 Season 10 Update

Well I am off to a flying start for Diablo 3 season 10.  For this season, I decided to play a witch doctor again.  I had this whole week off from work so I was able to play lots of Diablo.  I am now sitting at over 600 paragon level and I reached my goal of greater rift 70.  It is important to reach this greater rift level because at greater rift 70, this is when you unlock the ability to find primal legendaries.  Primal legendaries are just like ancient legendaries but have the max stats on any given item.  I haven't found any primal legendaries yet but I am hoping to find at least one this season.  I also managed to complete the destroyer seasonal journey and I am very close to finishing the conqueror season journey already. 

Gearing up my witch doctor has been fairly successful so far.  With the Haedrig's gift, you can get the Zunimassa's set, which is pretty powerful.  I was playing with the Zuni set for a while but I switched over to the Helltooth set once I found all the Helltooth items and a Sacred Harvester.  One of the luckiest re-roll was when a re-rolled my Sacred Harvester.  It managed to re-roll into a ancient version on my very first try.  I also found a real good ancient Mask of Jeram.  These two items made it very easy for me to quickly climb up the greater rift rankings.  Unfortunately, I haven't found any ancient Helltooth items yet and I am working my way to finding these items.  The only items that are ancient right now are my weapon, my off-hand, one of my rings, my helm and my amulet.  I think I need to keep doing regular rifts and greater rifts to maximize the chances of finding more ancient items. 

Also this week, I managed to get some BlizzCon tickets.  I got mine on Wednesday and I am very happy about going to BlizzCon again this year.  I decided to fly out on a Thursday so that I won't have to waste time doing stuff in Anaheim.  I usually fly out on a Wednesday (it was a Tuesday last year) so that I could spend time going to Disneyland or something.  I already booked my flight and my hotel so the vacation is pretty much set up.  This year I am hoping some of my guildies come to BlizzCon with me.  I got some extra tickets so I am hoping that they will be going.