Monday, July 31, 2017

Diablo 3 Season 11 Update

Well season 11 for Diablo 3 has started and I wanted to give an update to how I am doing.  For season 11, I started out playing with the Witch Doctor again because this is the season where the Haedrig's gift is the Helltooth Set.  I managed to get a real good start to the season because of this.  I am currently at paragon 640, which is pretty nice.  I also managed to do a greater rift 70 already and I have finished the Destroyer seasonal journey (I only need to do the Conqueror and Guardian to finish my seasonal journey).  The Helltooth set is real nice to start out with because you really don't need to get much gear for it to work.  I had a little bit of trouble finding a Short Man's Finger ring but once I found it, I was quickly able to do high 60's greater rifts.  Most of my gear is now ancient and I still need to find an ancient Sacred Harvester and Ramaladni's Gift.

My focus for the rest of the season is to keep pushing with the Helltooth set for a while until I can find a whole set for a Legacy of Nightmares Spirit Barrage build.  This is really hard to do because all items need to be ancient.  I have some of the pieces already but it is probably going to take a long time finding those ancient pieces.  I have never worked with the Spirit Barrage build but I look forward to working with it.  I know that once you have the right pieces, it can out damage the Helltooth set easily.  I don't know if I will be playing with another class this season because building the LoN spirit barrage build is going to take time.  I would like to play with a wizard because that is the only class I haven't reached greater rift 60 with yet.  I could also play a necromancer but I know that everyone is already playing with it.  There is a slight chance that I might play a necromancer in season 12.

It will interesting to see when season 11 will end.  Right now, it is projected for the season to end sometime in late September/early October.  If they do that, then season 11 will be a lot shorter than normal.  The reason why season 11 might be shorter is that Blizzard might want to start season 12 before BlizzCon hits on November 3-4.  It might be possible that season 11 runs a bit longer and that season 12 will start after BlizzCon.  I am really looking forward for BlizzCon this year because some of my guildies will be there.  I am also excited about what will happen to the development to Diablo 3 and there might be hints to whether Blizzard will announce something for the new Diablo game.  There will be a future blog post detailing what I predict will happen at BlizzCon this year.  I hope everyone is having fun in season 11 and I hope I will end up doing as well as I did last season.