Monday, February 12, 2018

Diablo 3 Season 12 Review

Well Diablo 3 Season 12 just ended on Sunday and I wanted to write a review of what I accomplished this season.  Overall, this season was a very successful one for me.  My main goal for Season 12 was to play the Necromancer since I didn't get a chance to do it at all last season.  Another goal for this season was to reach paragon 900, which I managed to do in the very last week of the season.  I ended up hitting paragon 911 and my overall non-seasonal paragon level sits at 1513.  I think I could have had more paragon levels this season because I ended up playing about 110 hours.  This is the fewest I have ever played (except for season 1).  As for greater rifts, I ended up reaching greater rift 91, which put me at rank 113 for North American hardcore Necromancers.  I have never hit greater rift 90 before with any of the characters before so hitting greater rift 90 was a good surprise.  I also managed to hit Guardian in the seasonal journey, even though there was no incentive to do so.

Levelling up with the Necromancer is pretty easy, it kind of reminds me of the Witch Doctor in that you get pets that do a lot of damage for you.  I first was playing with the Inarius set.  The Inarius set is pretty easy to play with, especially with the Bonestorm build.  I was using this set to quickly rank up my gems and do bounties with them.  My end game build was using the Rathma set, which is the one with the Skeletal Mages.  Although this set is simple to use and does a great deal of damage, I really don't like how the Skeletal Mages attack sometimes.  It is very inconsistent in that sometimes the Skeletal Mages stand around doing nothing (especially if there are Grotesques around).  I did have a disconnect death in the middle of season but that death only killed my Necromancer who was wearing the Inarius set (so I didn't end up losing my Rathma set at all).  Even with a death, the greater rift progression went pretty smoothly for me. 

For season 13, I am hoping to play with the Witch Doctor again.  I like the Witch Doctor more than the Necromancer because the pets the Witch Doctor has is more consistent than the Necromancer pets.  I also hoping to play a bit more than season 12 since about mid way through the season, I was getting burnt out.  Diablo 3 is a great game when you are finding your gear and working with the end game progression but when it comes to grinding paragon levels and constant gem rank ups, it is very boring and tedious.  I hope everyone had a successful season 12 and I hope everyone has a very successful season 13.