Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Diablo 3 Season 13 Update

Season 13 started about a couple of weeks ago and I wanted to update my status for this season.  For season 13, my main goal was to play with the Witch Doctor again since I hadn't played with the Witch Doctor since season 11.  I am also participating in the new solo self found league which was created by Leviathan.  Overall, I am really pleased with my progress so far.  I just hit paragon 800 already and I am currently sitting at greater rift 86, which puts me in the top 100 of N. American Witch Doctors.  It seems like the Witch Doctor is the least played class for hardcore players this season.  Just by comparing numbers, there seems to be less Witch Doctors and Necromancers this season, which is really surprising to me.

Levelling up my Witch Doctor was pretty easy.  I managed to hit level 70 pretty quickly and gearing for the Witch Doctor was fairly simple too.  I started out with the Jade set since that is the free Haedrig's gift this season for the Witch Doctor.  The Jade set is fairly strong but it lacks any damage reduction.  I quickly managed to find a Helltooth set and that pushed me to greater rift 70 real quick.  Unfortunately, I pushed a little too hard and I died while killing Malthael on Torment 13.  It was a weird death because I knew that Malthael did a lot damage but when I died, my pets were still alive and managed to take Malthael down.  Even with an early death, I didn't lose much progression and I was right back to where I left off.  Now, most of my gear is ancient and I am only missing a few items left.  I am really excited by the new power level of the Helltooth set.  Before Patch 2.4.1, I was only able to reach greater rift 81.  But now, with the power boost to the Short Man's Finger, the Mask of Jeram and the Helltooth set, this build can reach into the greater rift 90's.  It looks like there's at least a 10 greater rift boost with the new patch.

The goal for the rest of the season is pretty straight forward.  I want to reach as high a paragon level that I can reach (hopefully reach paragon 1000 for the first time).  I also want to stay in the top 100 for greater rifts and maybe a top 5 in the solo self found league.  I am almost completed the seasonal journey, I just need to do 1 more conquest.  I hope I can continue to push throughout the season and be able to reach these goals.  I am having lots of fun playing with the Witch Doctor again and I hope everyone else is enjoying playing season 13.