Monday, May 21, 2018

If Overwatch characters had Juno Reactor theme songs

I've always wondered if the Overwatch universe and the Juno Reactor universe collided together, what would the result be?  Well for one, each Overwatch character would probably have it's own Juno Reactor song attached to them.  So for this blog post, I want to explore what Juno Reactor song would be a fit for each of the Overwatch characters.

Ana - God Is God
- Natacha Atlas's vocals fit in nicely with Ana's voice.

Bastion - Rotorblade
-Bastion is a robot so a song that reminds me of robots is Rotorblade.  

Brigitte - Song to the Siren
- Brigitte reminds me of Taz Alexander's vocals.  One of the songs that has great Taz vocals is Song to the Siren.  

Doomfist - Hulelam/Badimo
- Doomfist reminds me of some South African music.  The two that come to mind are Hulelam and Badimo from the Shango album.  

D.Va - Mona Lisa Overdrive
- D.Va has a mech, which is sort of like riding a motorcycle.  One of the most famous scenes in the Matrix Reloaded is when Trinity rides a motorcycle on the freeway.  Mona Lisa is the background song in that scene.

Genji - Samurai
- Genji had training from Zenyatta to be more peaceful with himself.  The lyrics sung in Samurai might be the same message Zenyatta is giving to Genji.  "Anatawa Taiyo" means "You are [the] sun".

Hanzo - Hotaka
- Hotaka would be a nice song for Hanzo.  The use of the taiko drums and shouting in it makes sense for Hanzo.  This song fits in neatly with Hanzo's dance emote.

Junkrat - Swamp Thing
- Don't know if Junkrat was born from the swampland but this song fits pretty good.  Both are erratic and a bit crazy.

Lucio - City of the Sinful
- Ghetto Priest's vocals fits nicely with Lucio's voice.  One song that features Ghetto Priest's vocals is City of the Sinful.  

McCree - Pistolero
- McCree is a cowboy so a good cowboy song is Pistolero.  

Mei - Ice Cube
- Another easy choice.  Mei can create ice walls and create a blizzard.  Once those ice walls disappear, it almost looks like the ice crumbles.

Mercy - Guardian Angel
- Definitely an easy choice here.  Mercy has a guardian angel skill, which allows her to fly towards other characters.  She even has a voice line that says, "Your guardian angel".

Moira - Nitrogen
- Nitrogen is an alien-like song and so is Moira.

Orisa - Zwara
- Zwara is song about wanting the world to change and it matches nicely with Orisa, who was built with the intention of keeping the world safe.

Pharah - Tanta Pena
- Pharah likes to shout out her ultimate and so does this song.  

Reinhardt and Torbjorn - Giant and War Dogs
- Reinhardt is a very big person so Giant suits him well.  Torbjorn has a pirate skin and that reminds me of War Dogs.  These two songs go well together and so does Reinhardt and Torbjorn.

Reaper - Angels and Men
- Angels and Men is all about death and this song reminds me of Reaper, who likes to shout out "Die die die".  

Roadhog - Shark
- Roadhog has a shark skin called Mako so Shark would be a nice fit.

Soldier 76 - Immaculate Crucifixion
- Immaculate Crucifixion is a very powerful song much like Soldier 76.

Sombra - Invisible
- One of Sombra's skill is that she turns herself invisible for a few seconds.  This song reminds me of Sombra's stealth skill.  

Symmetra - Final Frontier
- Symmetra is from India and a good song that reminds me of India is Final Frontier.  

Tracer - Putting on the Blitz
- Tracer has a very playful characteristic and her dance emote goes very well with Putting on the Blitz.  

Widowmaker - Insects
- Well technically spiders are not insects but they do come close enough.

Winston - 10 000 Miles
- Winston come from the moon so this song fits in nicely with who Winston is.  

Zarya - Trans Siberian
- Another easy choice.  Zarya is from Russia so a Juno Reactor song that reminds me of Russia is Trans Siberian.  I can sort of imagine Zarya singing this song.

Zenyatta - High Energy Protons
- Zenyatta is an omnic, which means he is a robot.  A very robotic/techno song is High Energy Protons.