Friday, January 11, 2019

Diablo 3 Season 15 Review

Well Diablo 3 season 15 just ended last Sunday and I wanted to write what I did for the season.  This season, I was focused on the Wizard because I hadn't played with that class for a very long time.  Overall, I did pretty well but I didn't end up playing as much as the previous seasons.  I only played 87 hours this season even though the season ended up being longer than 3 months.  I managed to reach paragon 845 and do a greater rift 91, which put me at rank 261 for the NA hardcore Wizards.  I think I could have done a better greater rift if I had played more.  Overall, I am pretty happy of what I accomplished and I even managed to do all of the seasonal journey.

For most of the season, I was playing with the Tal Rasha set.  This set is pretty powerful and very straight forward.  All the items needed for this build was pretty easy to get.  I had a little trouble with finding a good Deathwish, I tried re-rolling it but I only got one good ancient Deathwish.  What I really like about this set is that it is really good for speed farming.  I was able to do lots of normal T13 rifts very fast because of this set.  The downside of the Tal Rasha set is that sometimes you don't know when you are about to be killed.  Most times, you have a shield that takes the incoming damage for you but once that shield is down, your health instantly drops.  It is a little nerve-wracking when playing this on hardcore.  I did have 2 deaths this season but if I had more experience playing with the Wizard, I think I could have avoided those deaths.  This season's theme was double bounty bags so it was real easy to reforge the legendary items to ancient and also get materials needed to upgrade them.

For season 16, I want to play with the Witch Doctor again.  There is going to be a new patch that will buff most of the class sets so I am hoping to see if I can finally reach a greater rift 100 with the Witch Doctor.  Season 16's theme will be that everyone will have the Ring of Royal Grandeur as a buff so that you don't need to equip it.  The Ring of Royal Grandeur allows you to one less set item to get the set item buff (so you would need only 5 pieces of Helltooth instead of 6 to get the maximum set buff for example).  I really need to try playing Diablo 3 more this season and not end up like season 15.  Season 16 might only last 2 months too so that means I need to be more focused.  I hope everyone had a great season 15 and look forward to season 16.