Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Overwatch League Season 2 Stage 2 and 3 Review

It's been a while since I last wrote about the Overwatch League.  The Vancouver Titans, which is the team I am cheering for, is doing incredibly well.  So far this season, the Vancouver Titans have only lost 1 regular season game.  Their overall record sits at 20 - 1, which is tops in the league.  This is very impressive since the Vancouver Titans are a first-year team and no other team is better than them in the regular season so far.  The Titans have already clinched a top 6 seed for the end of the year playoffs.  I think the Titans will end with one of the top 2 seeds for the playoffs if they end up losing less than 4 games in the next stage (Stage 4).  I am hoping that the Titans will end up doing well for the rest of the season and the playoffs so we might end up seeing them in the Grand Finals in September.

In Stage 2, the Titans managed a 7-0 record and they ended up making it to the Stage finals, where they lost to the San Francisco Shock.  The Titans were mostly playing with the 3-3 composition and there weren't many teams that could compete with them using this composition.  Not only do the Titans have great individual players but they also understand how to work together as a team.  While it might be possible that other teams may have better players, the Titans have better teamwork.  The Titans beat the Spark, the Dynasty (twice), the Outlaws, the Fuel, the Uprising and the Defiant.  In the stage 2 playoff, they beat the Fuel and the Excelsior before losing to the Shock 4-2.  The Titans could have beaten the Shock but the Shock were way better with the 3-3 composition.

In Stage 3, the Titans went 6-1.  They didn't look as comfortable in this stage because the meta was changing in this stage.  Many teams were using a different composition and it took a while for the Titans to adjust.  The Titans beat the Reign, the Gladiators (twice), the Spark, the Fuel, and the Hunters.  Their only loss came against the LA Valiant, which still ended up being pretty close.  In the Stage 3 playoffs, they beat the Houston Outlaws, but were defeated by the Shanghai Dragons, who ended up winning the Stage 3 playoffs.  The Titans look very good against the Outlaws but the Dragons played really great against them.

Even though the Titans did not win Stage 2 or 3, I think this will help them when the end of the year playoffs begin.  With Stage 4 bringing in the 2-2-2 lock, I think the Titans will need to change their roster a little bit.  The end of the year playoffs should be their main goal for the rest of the season so I don't think their record in stage 4 will matter a whole lot.  Titan's stage 4 schedule looks pretty tough but they won't have worry about not making the stage playoffs since there is no stage playoffs for stage 4.  I look forward to seeing all the Titans' games for the rest of the season and I hope that they will end up making the Grand Finals.