Friday, September 13, 2019

New Juno Reactor Songs 2019

Just a quick Juno Reactor update for this blog.  Recently there has been some new Juno Reactor songs that have been put out.  It is really cool to hear these new songs just right after Juno Reactor's newest CD from last year.  I think any Juno Reactor fan will appreciate these new tunes because they are very good.

The first new song is a collaboration between Juno Reactor and GMS.  It is called "Into Valhalla" and it sounds so cool.

I really like the title of the song plus this song reminds me of the Orcs from the World of Warcraft.  I thought the only negative of this song is that the horns could have been a bit more stronger.  Other than that, I really like this song because it has that electro/rock music blend, which sounds so badass.
In addition to "Into Valhalla", there were several other Juno Reactor/GMS collaborations, which we already knew about.  There were the Zombie (GMS remix), the Dakota (GMS remix) and the Komit (3 of Life remix) (which btw sounds a bit different than before).  One new remix that did come out was the Let's Turn On (GMS remix).  I really love this new remix as well as the previous ones.  I don't know if I like the original Let's Turn On or this remix more but I certainly like both of them.  I think this really cements my feeling of having Let's Turn On as one of my top 10 Juno Reactor songs. This remix kind of starts off slow but when it gets going, it starts to really get going.  This a great remix to play on the dance floor.

The last two that I want to cover are the Ingonyama  (Bliss remix) with Ace Ventura and Midival Punditz's "Nukhta" (Juno Reactor remix).  The Ingonyama (Bliss remix) is really well done, it had been a long time since Ingonyama first came out.  I really like this remix, it's more suited to be played on a dance floor.  I know that Ace Ventura has played this in his live shows and it is a great song to dance to.  The last song "Nukhta" (Juno Reactor remix) is a very interesting one.  I know that Juno Reactor (Ben Watkins) is a fan of the Midival Punditz, who did one of the remixes for Navras.  This one isn't one of my favourites but I can certainly appreciate this remix.

Well that's it for now.  Hopefully Juno Reactor will come back to North America some day and I can hear some of these remixes soon.  I would love to have the chance to be able to dance with Dakota or Let's Turn On playing very loudly.  The next blog will probably cover the Overwatch League Season 2 so please stay tuned.