Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Diablo 3 Season 21 Review

 Diablo 3 Season 21 just ended on Monday and I have been waiting to write again on this blog.  Season 21 ended up being one of the longest Diablo seasons to date.  Although it was a long season, I ended up doing my best ever result yet.  This season I played just 129 hours but I managed to reach my highest paragon level, which was paragon level 1367.  I was able to reach this paragon level because I was doing a lot 100+ greater rifts.  My highest greater rift that I was able to do was greater rift 120.  This put me at rank 28 on the hardcore NA Witch Doctor leaderboard.  This was my highest rank ever in a season and I am really proud that I managed to do this all by myself.  I also managed to reach the guardian seasonal journey.  Overall, my paragon level sits at 2398.  

For most of the season, I was playing with the Mundunugu's set again.  This set is very powerful even though it was nerfed from the season prior.  In the past, the Spirit Barrage skill counted as a pet so you got extra damage from items like the Mask of Jeram and the Enforcer gem.  Even without the pet buffs, I was able to do a higher greater rift than the season prior.  I think this was the first season that I managed to augment all of my gear (all of them with +500 intelligence).  I did find a couple of primal ancient legendaries that I was able to use in my set (my chest and my pants).  I also managed to not die at all this season.  I really like the Mundunugu's set because it is simple to play with and very powerful.  It manages to do good speed runs so levelling paragon levels is pretty quick.  

Season 22 starts on November 20th so there is a little bit of time before I start playing Diablo 3 again.  I haven't decided to play with the Witch Doctor or not again but I might.  I tried out the new Zombie Bear legendaries but I don't think it is very good at all.  I managed to do a greater rift 100 but it doesn't feel as strong as the Mundunugu's set.  I might check out some other classes that I haven't played in a long time (such as the monk or the necromancer).  Season 22 should be interesting because it have an extra cube slot in Kanai's Cube and also you get help from the shadow clones.  Anyways, I hope everyone had a great season 21 and I look forward to playing Season 22 soon.  

Monday, June 22, 2020

Diablo 3 Season 20 Review

Well Diablo 3 Season 20 just ended and I wanted to review what I accomplished this season.  I had a very good time this season because the Witch Doctor had a new set come out.  The new set is called the Mundunugu set and it is based around the Spirit Barrage skill.  I managed to do a greater rift 119, which is my highest greater rift ever.  This put me in at rank 94 for the N. American Hardcore Witch Doctors.  I was really stressing out at the end of the season because I really wanted to be in the top 100 rank again.  I knew that with the new Witch Doctor set coming out in season 20 that there were going to be a lot players playing with the Witch Doctor this season.  I was so happy that I finally managed to do a greater rift 119 at the very last day of the season.  My final paragon level for the season was at 1250 (which is also my highest paragon level for a season).  I managed to play about 129 hours for the season and my overall paragon level sits at 2229 now.  I also managed to finish the Guardian seasonal journey as well.

The Mundunugu set is very powerful.  I couldn't believe how much damage it does.  The basic set is pretty easy to set up.  The only hard part is crafting a good Captain Crimson set, which is needed to increase your cooldown and mana resource cost.  I was mostly playing with the Wormwood at the beginning because it automatically casts Locust Swarm for you.  This makes it really easy to do normal rifts and easier greater rifts.  At first, I was trying out various skill passives, like Spiritual Attunement.  I wanted to increase my mana regeneration to the maximum but I don't think it matters that much.  I found a better way with using Blood Ritual to increase my defense more, which allowed to me to be more aggressive during fights.  I am hoping to fine tune this set for next season so that I can do even better.  Unfortunately, there is a nerf to this set which is upcoming.  The spirit barrage will no longer benefit from pet damage so the Enforcer gem and the Mask of Jeram no longer works with this set.

Overall, I am very pleased at what I accomplished for Season 20.  I think I could have done better but I am sure that I can pick up this Witch Doctor set again for Season 21 and do even better.  I was thinking about playing a different class because the Witch Doctor gets the Jade set for Haedrig's gift for Season 21 and I really don't like the Jade set at all.  I hope everyone had a good Season 20 and I can't wait until Season 21, which starts on July 3rd.

Here is my Overall Season Recap for Diablo 3 so far:

    Season             Greater Rift             Class                               Rank      

    1.                 -                       Witch Doctor                         -
    2.                35                     Wizard                                624
    3.                45                     Demon Hunter                    410
    4.                54                      Monk                                   -
    5.                70                     Witch Doctor                      373
    6.                79                     Witch Doctor                      104
    7.                74                     Witch Doctor                      448
    8.                79                     Witch Doctor                      73
    9.                71                     Crusader                             295
    10.                81                     Witch Doctor                      64
    11.                81                     Witch Doctor                      32
    12.                91                     Necromancer                      113
    13.                98                     Witch Doctor                      38
    14.                98                     Witch Doctor                      36
    15.                91                     Wizard                                261
    16.                101                   Witch Doctor                      133
    17.                113                   Witch Doctor                      57
    18.                102                   Witch Doctor                      75
    19.                104                   Witch Doctor                      69
    20.                119                   Witch Doctor                      94

9 top 100 finishes
12 top 150 finishes
17 top 500 finishes

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Diablo 3 Season 19 Review

Well it has been a long time since I last made a blog post.  I haven't had many ideas for a blog post so I will probably just make Diablo 3 seasonal reviews for now.  Which means that I will probably only update this blog every 3 months or so.  Season 19 for Diablo 3 just ended and I ended up doing pretty good.  It was a very long season so I had a lot of opportunity to play.  I managed to reach paragon 1019 and my overall paragon level is now at 2087.  I managed to play about 85 hours this season and I also took about 2 week break from the game.  My highest greater rift that I did for the season was 104, which put me at rank 69 for the Hardcore Witch Doctors.  I am really satisfied that I was able to be in the top 100 again (I think this is my 8th time that I have been in the top 100).

For most of the season, I was playing with the Legacy of Dreams/Dagger of Darts set for the Witch Doctor.  I really like this setup because you really have to work hard for your gear.  I did have an unfortunate death this season.  I died when I spawned the Uber Diablo with a 1000 kill streak.  I thought I could manage it but the Uber Diablo was one-shotting all my pets.  That death put me out of focus for a while but I managed to pick it up again by the end of the season.  I tried making a Zunimassa build for the Witch Doctor but somehow this set doesn't do as well as the Legacy of Dreams set.

For season 20, the Witch Doctor will be getting a new set to play with.  I am really excited to play with this set because it looks like it will do a lot damage.  This set is based around the Haunt skill and is kind of like the Legacy of Nightmare version of this build.  I hope I can reach the top 100 again for this season and I hope to continue playing Diablo 3 for a long time since Diablo 4 seems to be in the distant future.  I am still playing games like Hearthstone and Overwatch but I am playing those games very casually.  I don't think I am playing other games as hardcore as Diablo 3 right now.  The most exciting thing that I am looking forward to is the Overwatch League coming to Vancouver in May.  I will probably updated this blog after I attend that esport event.