Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Diablo 3 Season 19 Review

Well it has been a long time since I last made a blog post.  I haven't had many ideas for a blog post so I will probably just make Diablo 3 seasonal reviews for now.  Which means that I will probably only update this blog every 3 months or so.  Season 19 for Diablo 3 just ended and I ended up doing pretty good.  It was a very long season so I had a lot of opportunity to play.  I managed to reach paragon 1019 and my overall paragon level is now at 2087.  I managed to play about 85 hours this season and I also took about 2 week break from the game.  My highest greater rift that I did for the season was 104, which put me at rank 69 for the Hardcore Witch Doctors.  I am really satisfied that I was able to be in the top 100 again (I think this is my 8th time that I have been in the top 100).

For most of the season, I was playing with the Legacy of Dreams/Dagger of Darts set for the Witch Doctor.  I really like this setup because you really have to work hard for your gear.  I did have an unfortunate death this season.  I died when I spawned the Uber Diablo with a 1000 kill streak.  I thought I could manage it but the Uber Diablo was one-shotting all my pets.  That death put me out of focus for a while but I managed to pick it up again by the end of the season.  I tried making a Zunimassa build for the Witch Doctor but somehow this set doesn't do as well as the Legacy of Dreams set.

For season 20, the Witch Doctor will be getting a new set to play with.  I am really excited to play with this set because it looks like it will do a lot damage.  This set is based around the Haunt skill and is kind of like the Legacy of Nightmare version of this build.  I hope I can reach the top 100 again for this season and I hope to continue playing Diablo 3 for a long time since Diablo 4 seems to be in the distant future.  I am still playing games like Hearthstone and Overwatch but I am playing those games very casually.  I don't think I am playing other games as hardcore as Diablo 3 right now.  The most exciting thing that I am looking forward to is the Overwatch League coming to Vancouver in May.  I will probably updated this blog after I attend that esport event.