Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Diablo 3 Season 21 Review

 Diablo 3 Season 21 just ended on Monday and I have been waiting to write again on this blog.  Season 21 ended up being one of the longest Diablo seasons to date.  Although it was a long season, I ended up doing my best ever result yet.  This season I played just 129 hours but I managed to reach my highest paragon level, which was paragon level 1367.  I was able to reach this paragon level because I was doing a lot 100+ greater rifts.  My highest greater rift that I was able to do was greater rift 120.  This put me at rank 28 on the hardcore NA Witch Doctor leaderboard.  This was my highest rank ever in a season and I am really proud that I managed to do this all by myself.  I also managed to reach the guardian seasonal journey.  Overall, my paragon level sits at 2398.  

For most of the season, I was playing with the Mundunugu's set again.  This set is very powerful even though it was nerfed from the season prior.  In the past, the Spirit Barrage skill counted as a pet so you got extra damage from items like the Mask of Jeram and the Enforcer gem.  Even without the pet buffs, I was able to do a higher greater rift than the season prior.  I think this was the first season that I managed to augment all of my gear (all of them with +500 intelligence).  I did find a couple of primal ancient legendaries that I was able to use in my set (my chest and my pants).  I also managed to not die at all this season.  I really like the Mundunugu's set because it is simple to play with and very powerful.  It manages to do good speed runs so levelling paragon levels is pretty quick.  

Season 22 starts on November 20th so there is a little bit of time before I start playing Diablo 3 again.  I haven't decided to play with the Witch Doctor or not again but I might.  I tried out the new Zombie Bear legendaries but I don't think it is very good at all.  I managed to do a greater rift 100 but it doesn't feel as strong as the Mundunugu's set.  I might check out some other classes that I haven't played in a long time (such as the monk or the necromancer).  Season 22 should be interesting because it have an extra cube slot in Kanai's Cube and also you get help from the shadow clones.  Anyways, I hope everyone had a great season 21 and I look forward to playing Season 22 soon.