Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Diablo 3 Season 25 Review

 Diablo 3 Season 25 is now over and I had a really good season.  Season 25 was a very long season and I probably had my strongest character ever due to the soul shards introduced this season.  I was mostly pushing with my Witch Doctor, playing with the new improved Arachyr set.  Although I didn't play as much as I wanted, I still managed to place really high in the leaderboards.  With the Arachyr set, I did a greater rift 134, which put me at rank 48 on the hardcore NA Witch Doctor leaderboard.  My paragon level for this season was 1468, which is my highest paragon level in a season.  My overall paragon level now sits at 2909.  I finished the seasonal journey as well this season.  

Season 25 started out a bit rough because the starter set for the Witch Doctor was the Jade set, which is my least favourite Witch Doctor set.  I mostly wanted to play with the new improved Arachyr set because I wanted to try something else beside the Mundunugu set.  The Arachyr set is really good for greater rifts but it wasn't as good as the Mundunugu's for just regular rifts and bounty mats farming.  I did try to push a little bit with the other Witch Doctor sets.  I did a greater rift 120 for the Mundunugu set (rank 25), a greater rift 107 for the Zunimassa set (rank 23), a greater rift 100 for the Helltooth set (rank 34), a greater rift 47 for the Jade set (rank 463) and a greater rift 45 for the no piece set (rank 590). I think I could have done better with the Jade and the no piece set but I didn't feel like playing those sets.  I did play with the Demon Hunter for a little bit to help me finish with the seasonal journey.  

My overall thoughts for this season were that I really had fun playing with Arachyr set and the soul shard system.  I am really happy that I managed to get top 50 in the leaderboards.  For season 26, there is a new Nightmare system, which looks pretty painful for hardcore players.  I will probably play with the Witch Doctor again for season 26 but I don't think I will be pushing as hard as previous seasons.  I hope everyone had a good season 25 and I look forward to play season 26 on April 15th.  I also want to due more blogs for Juno Reactor because there is a lot of new stuff about them recently.  So please stay tuned.  

My new overall seasonal review now looks like this:

Season        Greater Rift        Class                             Rank

            1                    -                     Witch Doctor                     -

            2                    35                    Wizard                            624

            3                    45                    Demon Hunter                410

            4                    54                    Monk                                -

            5                    70                    Witch Doctor                  373

           6                    79                    Witch Doctor                   104

 7                    74                    Witch Doctor                   448

           8                    79                    Witch Doctor                    73

           9                    71                    Crusader                          295

          10                   81                    Witch Doctor                    64

         11                    81                    Witch Doctor                    32

         12                   91                    Necromancer                    113

        13                    98                    Witch Doctor                    38

        14                    98                    Witch Doctor                    36                 

        15                    91                    Wizard                             261

        16                    101                  Witch Doctor                   133

        17                    113                  Witch Doctor                    57

        18                    102                  Witch Doctor                    75

        19                    104                  Witch Doctor                    69

        20                    119                  Witch Doctor                    94

        21                    120                  Witch Doctor                    28

        22                    122                  Witch Doctor                    47

        23                    117                  Witch Doctor                    16

        24                    123                  Witch Doctor                    26

        25                    134                  Witch Doctor                    48