Thursday, August 25, 2022

Diablo 3 Season 26 and Diablo Immortal Review

Well Diablo 3 Season 26 just ended and I played some of it.  About half way through the season, I started playing Diablo Immortal which came out on the PC and on mobile.  Even though I only played 87 hours this season of Diablo 3, I did manage to do pretty well.  I was able to do a greater rift 122, which put me in rank 28 in the NA hardcore Witch Doctor leaderboard.  I managed to hit paragon 1187 this season and my overall paragon level is now at 2966.  I did all my seasonal objectives and I also was able to augment most of my gear.  I think I could have reached a higher greater rift if I had continued to play Diablo 3 for the entire season.  I was mostly playing with the Arachyr and the Mundunugu set this season.  I was pushing greater rifts with the  Arachyr set and doing quick normal rifts with the Mundunugu set.  The starter set for the Witch Doctor was the Jade set and I really hate playing with this set in the beginning. I had one bad death early on the season but I did manage to recover and do pretty well after that death.  The new system introduced in Season 26 was the Echoing Nightmare and I am thankful that this is continuing on in non-season Diablo 3.  Echoing Nightmare allows you to get a Whisper of Atonement, which can be used to augment your gear.  The Whisper of Atonement has a level cap of 125 and I managed to augment most of my gear with it.  

For Diablo Immortal, I played with the Necromancer and it is pretty fun to play with.  I didn't have much high expectations for this game because it is designed to be played on a mobile device.  I enjoyed the levelling up process but some of the level caps were somewhat annoying to deal with.  Once I hit the level cap and start the paragon level grind, it became a pretty easy routine to continue playing.  I haven't really put much money into the game so my combat level is pretty low compared to others.  What I really like about Diablo Immortal is that there a overall paragon level cap for the server so that players who are under it (players like me) gain extra experience points which allows them to catch up to the server paragon level cap.  There are unique timed events that happen in Diablo Immortal.  I would like to participate in those timed events but unfortunately most of the time I miss them.  I think the most frustrating thing about Diablo Immortal is the legendary gem system.  The legendary gems are really hard to get if you don't pay any money and are necessary because it boosts your combat level.  I think Diablo 4 would do really well if they focus on things that are good in Diablo Immortal.  I think people who want to try a new game should try Diablo Immortal but I wouldn't worry trying to be the best at it.  I think Diablo Immortal is a fun game that focuses a lot on the action role-playing but some of its mmo aspects kind of falls short.  

Diablo 3 Season 27 is starting soon and I am excited about playing this season.  Season 27 is introducing new Sanctified Items which will greatly power your character.  I will be playing with the Witch Doctor again this season but I don't know how much more powerful they will be this season.  Hopefully I can reach about greater rift 125 this season.  I don't know if I will keep playing Diablo Immortal or not but I will probably log in every day just to do some daily tasks.  That is it for now but I want to do update on the Juno Reactor stuff because I haven't written about them for a long, long time.  I hope everyone had fun playing Diablo 3 Season 26 and Diablo Immortal and I wish everyone good luck in Season 27.