Monday, February 20, 2023

Diablo 3 Season 27 Review

Woah it has been a long time since I updated this blog.  Today I will be covering my Diablo 3 Season 27.  This season was very long and I had a very good season overall.  I managed to do a greater rift 133, which put me in rank 14 of the hardcore Witch Doctor NA leaderboard.  This is my highest ranking ever in a Diablo 3 season.  I was able to play 118 hours or so for the season.  I managed to hit paragon level 1558 for the season and my overall paragon level is at 3103.  Although I played off and on this season, I was able to reach all of my goals.  During the season, I was able to participate in the Diablo IV end game beta which was really, really cool.  I hope I can do a review of Diablo IV sometime in the future because the game is coming out later this year.  For now, I will just write about what I did for Diablo 3.  

This season of Diablo 3 was really fun to play with.  I mainly focused on the Witch Doctor and I was able to get most of my gear to where I wanted it be.  My end game build was the Arachyr set, which I managed to hit the greater rift 133.  This season introduced the sanctified items which made one of your items add a new legendary power while also making that item into a primal one.  Although the sanctified power for the Arachyr was just ok, I still enjoyed using that power.  I was mostly running quick and easy greater rifts with the Arachyr set and farming regular rifts and bounties with the Mundunugu set.  I used the sanctified power on my Ring of Emptiness and I also managed to find a primal Depth Diggers.  I was really pushing hard at the end of season and I barely managed to finish the greater rift 133 on the very last day of the season.  I was content to do a greater rift 130 but I ended up doing more than I could imagine.  A few other items that I was lucky to find were a primal The Barber (good for the Mundunugu set) and a very good Physical Traveller's Pledge amulet.  I managed to augment most of my gear to level 125.  I think I could have done even better if I had played Diablo 3 continuously for the entire season but I am very happy that I did so well even still.  

Season 28 is starting pretty soon for Diablo 3 and it will probably be the last season before Diablo IV starts.  I will be playing with the Witch Doctor again for this season although it will probably one of the weaker and less played class in season 28.  I am hoping to finish strong in Diablo 3 and be ready for Diablo IV when that game comes out.  There are things in Diablo IV that have me worried a bit from what I have played during the beta.  I hope that Diablo IV is just as fun and simulating as Diablo 3 and I really look forward to playing a lot Diablo in the future.  I really want to write a review of Juno Reactor and what has been happening since I last wrote about them but that will be a little later I think.  I hope everyone had a good season 27 and I hope everyone has fun playing Diablo 3 season 28 soon.