Friday, September 15, 2023

Diablo 3 Season 28 and Diablo 4 Review

 Season 28 of Diablo 3 just ended and I wanted to write about my time this season.  I had a fairly good season but most of the time was spent playing Diablo 4.  I will first discuss what I did in Diablo 3 before I write about Diablo 4.  Season 28 was very fun to play and it introduced a new concept for Diablo 3.  The Altar of Rites was a new thing that gave everyone extra power for the season.  I managed to do greater rift 142 on my Witch Doctor and that put at rank 22 in the hardcore NA leaderboard.  I had my best season ever of reaching my highest paragon level for the season at paragon 1851.  My overall paragon level is now at 3308.  I managed to play about 110 hours for the season.  While this was about the same for the other seasons, the season was much longer than others but most of the time spent this season was playing Diablo 4.  

I decided to play the Witch Doctor again this season and focused on my Arachyr set. I did fairly good at the beginning but by the middle of the season, I was doing really good.  I had a real nice gear set, alot of my gear was primal.  I picked up a primal Spider Queen's Grasp early on and I also managed to find a primal Shukrani's Triumph, a primal Compass Rose, a primal Brood of Aranae, and a primal Traveller's Pledge.  I also crafted a primal Ring of Emptiness.  I also did augments of +625 int to most of my gear but if I had more time I would have done more.  I think for season 29 I will be doing the same but I think the power level of my character will be much weaker since season 29 will have a paragon cap of 800.  

As for Diablo 4, I think it is a pretty good game but overall it is much slower and a lot less interesting than Diablo 3.  I first wanted to try hardcore mode in Diablo 4 but my Sorcerer was killed at like level 68 due to a game crash.  I managed to make a Druid this time in the eternal mode.  I hit about level 70 for my Druid but the levelling took so long.  We are currently in Season 1 of Diablo 4 and I am currently levelling my Rogue, which is at level 77.  I have spent a decent amount of time playing Diablo 4 but I certainly don't enjoy it as much as Diablo 3.  I think the main problems of Diablo 4 is that the gameplay is much slower, the levelling grind is super boring, and there aren't enough things to do in Diablo 4 that feels exciting.  I think that the campaign and the renown system is fairly cool to do in the beginning but it doesn't mean anything at all later on.  The cinematics in Diablo 4 is super cool to watch but I don't think many people are willing to run the campaign many times over.  The gearing system is kind of neat but after a while it doesn't make the playing the game fun a whole lot.  After hitting about level 50, you are basically running the same dungeons and maybe doing the odd helltide event.  I wish Diablo 4 had more systems that encourage you to do different tasks.  Also, with the monster scaling to your own player level, you don't often feel stronger when you level up.  I would recommend playing Diablo 4 for the campaign and the cinematics but unless you enjoy endlessly grinding levels, I don't recommend this game for anyone else.  

Season 29 for Diablo 3 is going to start soon and I very excited for it.  This season, as I mentioned before, will have a paragon cap of 800 and there will also be a solo self found mode.  This season will also have Visions of Enmity, which are portals that you can take to get extra gear.  I will be playing my favourite class, the Witch Doctor, again.  I hope everyone enjoyed playing Season 28 and Diablo 4.  I want to write more on this blog but I am having trouble finding time to write about other things.