Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Diablo 3 Season 29 Review

 Season 29 in Diablo 3 just ended and I wanted to write a quick review of this season.  I didn't play much this season because I was more focused on Diablo 4.  Even though I only played about 60 hours this season, I did very good on the leaderboards.  This season introduced the solo self found mode and I was playing that as well as the hardcore leaderboard.  I managed to do a greater rift 126 with my Witch Doctor, which put me in rank 12 on the SSF hardcore leaderboard.  I think if I wasn't playing solo self found, my ranking would have been higher.  I also reached a paragon level of 1126 but it didn't really matter because all characters were capped at paragon 800 for this season.  My overall paragon level now sits at 3346.  

Season 29 was very short.  I was playing with my Witch Doctor again this season.  I did my best with the Arachyr set but instead of playing with the Angry Chicken set, I still was playing with the Arachyr spiders set.  I think I could have done a better greater rift if I had played with the Arachyr Angry Chicken set but I was so used to with the Spiders that I really didn't want to change my play style.  Overall, I am very pleased to what I accomplished this season and I am ready to play next season as well.  I think from here on out, I will do a brief summary of my seasons in Diablo 3 but I won't go into too much detail.  

Diablo 4 is still in Season 2 so far, but I am not very happy with this game so far.  The leveling in this game is very boring and the itemization is very poor.  I did manage to reach level 100 with my Necromancer for this season but I am mostly now trying to play hardcore in this game.  The hardcore mode is ok but there is a lot instability with the servers.  I think the greatest fear with the hardcore mode is when you lose connection with server and the game freezes.  I have a level 80 sorceress in hardcore mode and I hope to reach level 100 some day.  I think this is all I have to report for now and I am looking forward to playing Diablo 3 again shortly.  I hope Diablo 4 season 3 is going to be good as well.