Saturday, October 3, 2015

Getting Into a Rhythm

Just an update to my season 4 of Diablo 3.  My monk has been doing pretty well lately.  It doesn't have all the pieces yet for the u6 build but it is getting very close.  I just need an ancient Fist of Az'Turrasq and I am pretty much done.  I have been running many torment 9 rifts and also been running about a greater rift 46.  Even though it is not anywhere near the top of the leaderboards, I feel like my monk is at a good place.  I am up to paragon level 530 or so and I am hoping to reach paragon 600 by the end of October. 

The reason why I feel like I am in a good place is because of the contiunous running of torment 9 rifts and greater rifts in the mid-40's.  I am currently doing one torment 9 rift and then switching over to a greater rift after that.  Once you do this over and over again, it is very easy to gain experience and crafting mats.  It is very important to be in that rhythm so that it seems like it is no work at all.  I feel as though once your in that rhythm, it is very easy to play since you know what you are going to do next.  I always have the same attitude when it comes to my work as well.  I work at a grocery store and once you start repeating the same task over and over again, it is easy to know what you are going to do next.  There is less thinking of what to do next and then you can focus more at the task at hand. 

Blizzcon is just one month away and I am really excited about attending that event.  I might switch up about what I am going to be doing in Anaheim from the past Blizzcon events.  I think I might go to a hockey game or maybe do something other than going to Disneyland again.  After all, if you keep doing the same thing over and over again, it might get a little bit boring.  Then again, I might continue doing the same thing year after year since I already know what to do and I know how much fun it can be. 

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