Saturday, April 16, 2016

Diablo 3 Season 5 Review

Well Diablo 3 Season 5 just ended yesterday (April 15th).  I ended up doing pretty good for the season.  My original goal was to play a crusader but that didn't end up like I wanted to.  I also wanted to get the extra stash space from getting the Conqueror seasonal journey.   Like I mentioned before, my original goal of playing the crusader was brief.  When I ended up dying the second time on the crusader, I switched over to the witch doctor.  I was pretty amazed at how fast I could level up on my witch doctor so I just stuck to it.  Overall, I ended getting up to paragon 763 and my final greater rift level that I reached was to greater rift 70 (which ranked me at 373 for all seasonal hardcore witch doctors).  I ended up getting the Conqueror seasonal journey at the end of February and just missed the Destroyer seasonal journey (I needed to get another conquest done and also a 3min rift done).  Although I didn't get the Destroyer seasonal journey, I was pretty happy to achieve what I did.  

So for the most of the season, I was playing on my witch doctor.  The witch doctor set I was using was the Helltooth set.  It is a very good set and pretty easy to gear for.  I was using a Scrimshaw for most of the time because I couldn't find a good ancient Sacred Harvester.   When I finally did find a good ancient Sacred Harvester, I managed to break greater rift 60 and pretty much completed the Conqueror seasonal journey.  It took many tries re-rolling a Sacred Harvester (I think it took over 10 tries to get an ancient one) so I ended up doing lots of bounties.  Now most of my gear have the Caldesann's Despair leveled up to 300 int.   I am also using an Unity ring instead of a Convention of Element ring.  This makes my character super tanky and I feel as though I can't die ever even in a high greater rift.  I wanted to build a Legacy of Nightmare set but I couldn't find a decent ancient Litany of the Undaunted or an ancient Wailing Host ring.  I will probably try building a Legacy of Nightmare in the off-season.  Another goal that I want to finish during the off-season is to cube all the items again.  So far, I have managed to cube items for all the classes except the demon hunter.  I think I am missing 10 items for it so it shouldn't be too long to finish it.  I ended up using lots of death breaths to complete the other cube items for the other classes. 

Well that is all for season 5.  For season 6, I will probably stick with the witch doctor.  I will probably end up playing with the Helltooth set again and maybe a Legacy of Nightmare set.  The buffs for the witch doctor next season will be really good (I think witch doctor pets are getting a big time buff).  I hope to accomplish what I did in season 5, that is to get the Conqueror seasonal journey done and get as high paragon level as I did before. 

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