Saturday, June 11, 2016

Juno Reactor Live Show in Vancouver Part 2

Last week I did a basic review of the Juno Reactor Live show in Vancouver.  In this blog, I want to go into a bit more detail of the event.  Like I wrote in the previous blog, it was kinda weird hearing something other than Conquistador opening the live show.  But it was nice hearing a new song at the beginning.  After Voyager 303, Feel the Universe was next.  This was a bit unexpected but it set the tone for the show.  You could tell that Ben was going to play the old music first and then play the newer music later.  This really reminded me of the Planet Perfecto set Ben did for Paul Oakenfold.  So I was secretly wanting Samurai to be played next (which it did - woooo!!).  Samurai was definitely my favorite song played at the live show.  I was dancing super hard to this song and I was really sweating after the song was over.  Samurai is such a good song to be played live and a great song to dance to.  Next up was Magnetic and this really surprised me.  As I wrote in another blog post, this song is one of my favorites but it is often overlooked.  It was nice hearing it at a live show since I haven't heard it at a live show before.  After Magnetic it was Rotorblade.  Although Rotorblade is a good song it quite isn't a great song to be played live.  I kind of like songs that are more "danceable" at a live show and Rotorblade sort of doesn't do that.  I used this song to cool down after hearing Samurai and Magnetic, since I was dancing really hard to both of those songs.  Swamp Thing was next and this was also a nice surprise.  I haven't heard this one played live either and it was really nice to dance and listen to.  Conga Fury was next and I had sort of mixed feelings about this.  On one hand, this is an awesome song to be played live.  But on the other hand, this song is so much better when Amampondo are playing with Ben on this.  This song really makes me miss Amampondo very much, they are such a great spectacle in a live show environment.

The second half of the live show starts with Navras (Jayant Remix), which was pretty much expected.  I love Navras very much and Ben usually plays the Jayant Remix with it.  The new song after Navras was pretty good.  Next was Mona Lisa Overdrive (Thomas P. Heckmann remix) which was pretty interesting.  Not my favorite remix but it was nice hearing Mona Lisa OverdriveGod Is God was next and Ben played a very cool new remix for it.  I would love to get the new remix of it someday.  Zombie (GMS remix) and Guillotine (Bliss remix) were the next 2 songs and this was pretty much expected.  Both are real nice remixes and good songs to dance to.  Conquistador (Astrix remix) was next and I was expecting this song to be played first.  Still it was nice to be able to listen to this one again (it first debuted at the previous live show in Vancouver 2 years ago).  Pistolero was up next, Ben played two remixes of it.  The first one I didn't like too much but the second, the Astrix remix, I liked more.  Definitely a crowd pleaser like always, a nice danceable song.  Next was Hotaka (Uber Tmar remix) and really don't like this remix at all.  I know Ben said that it was one of his favorite remixes from the Inside the Reactor remix album so he keeps playing this song.  The new songs at the end of the show, I don't know the names of the song so I'll try to describe them to you.  One new song featured the lovely vocals of Hamsika Iyer and it sounded so badass.  Another new song Ben played (which I am pretty sure is) had sort of a Japanese vibe to it.  It is tough to describe it but it almost sounds like Kaguya Hime but a bit more up-tempo.  Ben did play another song after an encore but it was another new song and I can't really remember what it sounded like since it was so late in the live show. 

Overall I was definitely pleased with the live show event.  Since Ben has a vast array of songs from which to choose from, I am pretty sure it was hard for him to pick the songs to put into this live event.  Some songs that I wanted to hear but weren't in this show were Tanta Pena (Micky Noise remix),  Zwara, and Invincible (Ritmo Remix).  I really like that Ben came to Vancouver again but next time I wish to see Juno Reactor the group play again.  I really miss watching Amampondo, Taz, Greg Ellis and Sugizo.  The lineup of Juno Reactor has changed over the years but hopefully the new group members will add as much entertainment as the previous members did.  Whenever there is a chance that Juno Reactor will play live near where I live, I am sure that I am ready to go to another event because every time that I go to a Juno Reactor show, I am never, ever disappointed. 

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Juno Reactor Live Show Vancouver Jun 04 2016

Just got back from the Juno Reactor Live Show at the Hindenburg.  Man what an awesome show it was.  I was dancing like Muhammed Ali (dancing like a fly, stinging like a bee).  Set list is as follows (sort of, can't remember exactly):
  1. I think it was Shark mixed in with Voyager 303
  2. Feel the Universe
  3. Samurai (omg!!!!!)
  4. Magnetic
  5. Rotorblade
  6. Swamp Thing
  7. Conga Fury
  8. Navras (Jayant Remix)
  9. New Song
  10. Mona Lisa Overdrive (Thomas P. Heckmann Remix)
  11. God Is God (new remix)
  12. Zombie (GMS remix
  13. Guillotine (Bliss remix)
  14. Conquistador (Astrix remix)
  15. Pistolero (2 remixes, one was Astrix remix)
  16. Hotaka (Uber Tmar remix)
  17. A couple of new songs
I loved this set more than the last Juno show (2 years ago in Vancouver).  The reason I say that is because there was a rhythm to the songs that were played.  Lots of old songs at the beginning and the newer remixes at the end.  The opening without Conquistador was pretty weird, I am so used to hearing Conquistador as the opening number.  Finally Ben played Samurai!!!!!!  (my life is now complete).  The new songs were super to listen to.  If the new album is anything like what I heard at the Juno show, I think that album is going to be great.   There was one song at the end with Hamsika Iyer's vocals in it that was incredible to listen to.  I got to meet Ben for a bit at the end of the show, told him thanks for Samurai and for coming to Vancouver.