Sunday, December 11, 2016

Video Games vs Real Life

More and more, video games are becoming like real life.  A lot of video games have enhanced graphics which make the game real life-like.  The video games that I used to play as a kid were games for Atari and Nintendo, which had 8 bit graphics and no 3d modelling at all.  Now, a lot of games have 3d modelling, especially with 1st person shooters.  There are lot of games that also mimic the way we live our lives.  There might be characters that move like we do, maybe even think the way we do with enhanced artificial intelligence.  The more people get used to playing video games and the more development that gets put into video games, the more likely that video games will mimic our daily lives. 

There is a very pragmatic way of thinking that video games are not very healthy and that it does not help in our daily lives at all.  Although playing video games for long stretches of time is not healthy, there is more evidence that video games do in fact help with our daily lives.  Sometimes the problem solving and the teamwork needed in playing these video games will also help solve problems in the real world.  I like the fact that the quests in my video games also are like the problems that I have in real life.  For example, in order to find my sword in my video game, I have to perform certain tasks to achieve that sword.  Much like in real life, that "sword" could be instead clothes or shoes.  Another example could be that I want to become stronger and quicker so for in real life, I would train to become more stronger.  In a video game, in order to become stronger, I have to level up by killing monsters.  There are so many examples of how just like in a video game, in real life there are many steps to complete a task to get stronger and better. 

I think one way of video games can help people become more active is to have more games that make people move.  Right now the biggest problem of video games is that people are sitting down for long stretches of time and that is not very healthy at all.  I think things like the Xbox Kinetic and Nintendo Wii controller are two things that help mimic our movement.  An even better development will be the new virtual reality glasses (Oculus Rift) that will even further the real world-like experience.  I don't think it will be too long before the new virtual reality glasses will become popular.  Other games such as Pokémon Go can help us gamers to play not just by sitting down but moving around.  I do hope that video games will continue to evolve and help us to become more active. 

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