Sunday, February 19, 2017

Remix the Remixes

What I love about music lately is the amount of remixes done to the original music.  I especially love a good remix since it offers something else from the original music.  What makes a good remix is open to discussion but in my opinion, a good remix will have elements of the original music plus something else that will make it stand out from the original.  If the remix doesn't have elements of the original music, the listener won't know if the remix is actually a remix or just an original piece of music.  The remix also needs something different from the original music so that listener knows that they are listening to a remix.  A good example of this is the remix below.  It has both elements of Lucio's music plus music from the Heroes of the Storm.  Check it out here:

You can clearly hear both music elements clearly (the faster portion of the music belongs to Lucio's music while the slower music belongs to the music of the Heroes of the Storm).  These two music elements is blended together very nicely so that it fits with each other.  This remix probably wouldn't have worked if either music portion wasn't sounding too great or if the two combined elements didn't mesh with each other. 

There are many remixes that I really love listening to over and over again.  One is the remix of Samurai (done by my friend Juan Obando).  What he did was add some drums to the original music of Samurai.  Since Samurai is already my favorite music, the added drums were a nice bonus to the music.  I also love listening to unseung's remixes (especially his Masters of the Universe, Pistolero, God Is God and Navras).  Unseung does a wonderful job of putting film quotes (and other various quotes) into the original music.  It gives the remix an added depth that wasn't previously there.  There are plenty more examples of "good" remixes but I won't try and cover all of them right now (maybe later). 

Unfortunately, with "good" remixes, there are also examples of "bad" remixes.  Again, I won't try to name these remixes but there are plenty of examples of what I call "bad" remixes.  Sometimes the remix will take the original music too far so that the original music gets lost in the remix.  Other times, the remix isn't too much different from the original making it hard to differentiate from the original music.  Anyways, I always take the time to listen to these remixes, especially when I really liked the original music.  I hope one day to learn how to remix a music piece.  I have no clue as to how to do it since composing music isn't my thing.  I envy anybody that can make a good remix. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Overwatch + NHL mashup

When I play Overwatch, I often think to myself that we have seen these characters before somewhere.  These Overwatch characters often have the same characteristics as to other forms of media.  One particular mashup that I have seen before is when somebody made a mashup of The Simpsons characters and to various NHL team logos.  I have often wondered if this could be done with Overwatch characters and NHL team logos.  Although my graphic design isn't the greatest, I managed to do a couple of "paint"-esq (very rough artwork designs) of various Overwatch/NHL team logo mashups.  I tried to make the mashup based on the team logo as well as the Overwatch characters design philosophy.  Some of these were easy to mashup but others need a little bit of an imagination.  These mashups could even be used for the new Overwatch League (hehe).  I hope you enjoy these. 

1. New Jersey Reapers
This one was real easy to do.  Reaper represents pure evil and so does the devil in the New Jersey Devils. 

2. Colorado Meis
Since the Colorado Avalanche represents cold weather, this made sense to mashup with the Mei character. 

3. Winnipeg Pharahs
Since both have characteristics of flying (the Winnipeg Jets and Pharah's rocket boost), this was another easy one to do. 

4. Los Angeles Reinhardts
"Ah it's good to be king" is something this team might say. 

5. Dallas McCrees
They both represent the "cowboy" characteristic.  They must play their games at "high noon". 

6. Philadelphia Mercys
They are both know for their wings. 

7. Boston Roadhogs
Roadhog's face matches nicely with the Boston Bruins logo.

8.  Detroit Torbjorns
"For the last time, I'm Swedish!"  They both like making things (Torbjorn likes to make turrets, Detroit likes to make cars).  I also could have matched Torbjorn to the Calgary Flames since both have small-ish players and his mustache stands out like Lanny McDonald's. 

9. Ottawa Soldier 76'ers
Soldier 76's face is much like the Ottawa Senator's face.

10. Tampa Bay Hanzos
Hanzo has his storm bow, which is kind of like lightning. 
11. Florida Junkrats
Junkrat's face matches nicely with the panther.  Also, the Florida Panthers used to have a habit of throwing rats onto the ice after scoring a goal. 
12. Phoenix Sombras
The coyote is depicted as a trickster, which is what Sombra is. 

13. St. Louis Lucios
They are both known for their music. 

14. Buffalo Genjis
They both represent swords. 

15. Carolina Tracers
Tracer's chronal accelerator is much like Carolina's hurricane. 

16. San Jose Winstons
There can be a debate of who has more hair: Winston's Yeti or Brent Burns?

17. Columbus D.Vas has a skin called "b-va", which resembles a bee.  A blue jacket is a variant of a bee.  (maybe the june bug skin could be called a blue jacket skin?)

18. Edmonton Zenyattas
I guess they both are related to oil?

19. Minnesota Bastions
Both are related to the wild (Bastion was found hibernating in the wild). 

20. Toronto Widowmakers
Spiders can be found on tree leaves?

21. Washington Zaryas
Both are known for their Russian.  It's pretty cool to see a Russian standing in front of the US capital. 

22. Montreal Anas
Both are very old (the oldest in fact). 

23. New York Symmetras
I couldn't come up with a good match for Symmetra so I matched her with the New York Rangers. 

Bonus: 24. Las Vegas Orisas
Overwatch announced their latest hero, Orisa, so I decided to match her up with the NHL's newest team, the Las Vegas Black Knights. 

Extra Bonus:
I decided to do one more for the leader of the Overwatch + NHL mashup.  Can you guess who that is?

Hopefully I will time to make up some more mashups in the future.  There were some teams that I left off so hopefully Overwatch will make some more characters.  I hope you enjoy these for now.