Sunday, May 21, 2017

BlizzCon 2017 Idea (Blizzard All-Star)

I have wondered for a long time if something like this next idea I am about to present could be viable. There are many great video gamers around the world but I often ask myself "Who is the greatest video gamer?".  Of course, you could just say that whoever wins the world championship of any given game is the greatest video gamer but that is only for one game.  If you had to compete in multiple world championships, you would have a better understanding of who the greatest video gamer is.  I guess what I am suggesting is to have an "Olympic" style of video game competition, where each video gamer has to compete against each other in several video games.  Could this be even possible since there is so many video games that people are competing in right now?  Probably not, since it would be almost impossible to play so many different video games that has a competition element to it.  But maybe there is a way to do this ...

One video game company that I always follow is Blizzard Entertainment.  They make a lot of great video games and I have been playing their games for a very long time.  I always try to go to BlizzCon, which is Blizzard's celebration/convention.  Recently, with the additions of a few games in the past several years (like Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch) to the 3 older franchises (Warcraft, StarCraft and Diablo), Blizzard has now 6 different games for gamers to choose from.  Of those 6, 5 of those games are definitely playable for e-sports in mind (with Diablo being the only exception).  With those 6 video games, could Blizzard actually make a competition that would answer the question "Who is the best video gamer?"?  I think I may have found a way to do this.

In my Blizzard All-Star format, I would pick the best 12 video gamers.  The first game that I would choose to do is Overwatch, since it has a perfect 6v6 makeup.  The winning team would move on to the next round while the losing team has 2 players voted or removed from competition.  Now left with 10 players, the next game I would suggest to do is Heroes of the Storm (it is the best 5v5 game).  Teams would be scrambled up again so that players aren't always on the same team.  The winners move on, the losing team (once again) loses 2 players.  With 8 players left, the players would compete in Diablo 3 (probably a type of 4v4 format).  I don't know if Diablo 3 is the best game for players to compete in but with the additions of challenge rifts, it may become viable (if not, they could decide to make a competition that is fairly easy such as "First team to kill the Skeleton King on storymode" or something).  Again, the winning team moves on, the losing team has 2 players knocked out.  With 6 players left, the video gamers would move onto World of Warcraft.  It might be possible to do some 3v3 PvP but there might be gear issues with this (since players would come from different regions).  Again, something more simpler might be better (such as speed running from Ironforge to Menethil Harbor as a lvl 1 gnome).  Winning team moves on, losing team loses 2 players again. With four players left, StarCraft 2 would be the next game.  Players could compete in some kind of 2v2 PvP format.  Winning team moves onto the final game: Hearthstone.  With the last 2 remaining players, the format should be some kind of brawl instead of using the traditional "bring your own deck" type of format.  I think this would be better since not all players in the All-Star challenge will be experts in Hearthstone (and would not have all the cards to build a competing deck).

Overall, I think this is the best way of determining who is the best video gamer.  You have many different types of games in this format (first person shooter, moba, action, mmo, real time strategy and a card game).  The voting system to kick out the losers probably isn't the greatest (maybe something like a RNG system might be better).  I also like this format since even if you are the best at a certain game, it won't give you much of an advantage (well maybe except for StarCraft and Hearthstone).  Even if you are the best at a certain game, it won't necessarily mean that your team will win.  I think the list of the 12 video gamers that would compete in this might be difficult to determine since I really don't know anybody that plays all 6 of these games at a very high level.  I would have the community pick the people they would like to see most (or think who would do the best in this format) from each game (people such as Kripp, Rhykker, Artosis, Day9, TradeChat, etc). If I would ever be chosen to participate in a tournament such as this, I would probably spend my time practicing games like Heroes of the Storm and StarCraft since I play those games the least.  A tournament such as this might be too much for BlizzCon because all of the other games (well except for Diablo) are going to have some kind of e-sports tournament for their games at BlizzCon.  It might be a better idea to do it at some other convention (such as GamesCon over in Europe).  Although this e-sport style of tournament probably won't be happening for a long time, I look forward to the day that it does happen since it will answer the question "Who is the best video gamer".

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