Sunday, June 25, 2017

Diablo 3 Season 10 Review

Well Diablo 3 season 10 just ended this last Friday and I had a very good season.  I ended up playing a lot more than some past seasons.  I was able to reach paragon level 991, which is the highest I ever reached in a season.  That put me in the top 300 of all NA hardcore players.  This is pretty unbelievable since I only play by myself.  I know I could have gotten a higher paragon level if I played with other players but I like playing by myself.  This was achieved by only playing 190 hours (184 hours on my witch doctor and 6 hours on my barbarian).  My non-seasonal paragon level is now at 1361.  As for greater rifts, my highest greater rift that I did on my witch doctor was a greater rift 81, which put me in rank 64 of all of the hardcore NA witch doctors.  I was really happy that I was able to do a greater rift 81 since my highest greater previous to that was a greater rift 79 (in a season).  My barbarian was able to do a greater rift 60.  I could have done a higher greater rift for my barbarian but I didn't feel like pushing it on my barbarian.  If I would have reached a greater rift 65, it would have ranked in the top 1000.  I also ended up finishing the guardian seasonal journey this season.

My main goal this season was to do a greater rift 70 and maybe find some primal ancient legendaries.  I ended up finding a lot of primals but unfortunately none of items that I found were usable in my Helltooth witch doctor set.  I found about 5 2-handers, a couple of 1-handers, some set pieces (2 jade chest pieces, 1 zunimassa's ring), some other armor pieces, and a couple of other jewelry.  I was really disappointed that I couldn't find any primals for my Helltooth witch doctor but since I was able to do greater rift 81 without them, I really didn't care that I couldn't find any primals for the Helltooth build.  I was mostly playing a Helltooth witch doctor for the entire season.  My first (and only) death came when I switched over to a Zunimassa build.  Since I was playing with the Zunimassa set, I didn't lose any Helltooth items so gearing back up wasn't a big problem.  I tried doing a Legacy of Nightmare Spirit Barrage build but I didn't feel too comfortable with it yet.  I think the LoN spirit barrage build is something that I would like to try in the future since it is capable of doing a higher greater rift than the Helltooth build.  I might even try it during the off-season.

With the necromancer coming out this Tuesday, I will probably spend a lot of time playing that in the off season.  There is lengthy break between season 10 and 11 so there should be plenty of time to experiment with the necromancer.  For season 11, I will probably play with the witch doctor mostly since I know that everyone will be playing the necromancer.  I feel really comfortable playing the witch doctor since it is very easy levelling up and the free Haedrig's gift is the Helltooth set for season 11.  Getting the Helltooth set very early on will make it real easy reaching greater rift 70 again.  Once I have my witch doctor geared up (and hopefully with a LoN spirit barrage build), I will probably and try gearing up my necromancer. I hope season 11 runs a bit longer (much like in season 10) because it would help me play both classes.  I am really looking forward to playing a necromancer because I see a lot people playing it on beta and it looks pretty fun to play with.  I hope everyone had a fantastic season 10 and I hope they all enjoy playing season 11 with their necromancer.

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