Saturday, June 27, 2015

Changes are Coming

Like in my title, changes are coming.  There are many changes coming to Diablo 3 in the near future.  In patch 2.3.0, there are lots of interesting stuff that are going to be in the game.  I think the most interesting change is the Kanai's Cube.  Kanai's Cube offers the chance to remove a legendary suffix from an item and be able to be used as a passive legendary power.  This will not only make a character more powerful but also it could also make many builds more viable.  Because of Kanai's Cube and the power creep that is in the game right now, there are going to be more torment difficulties added to the game.  I hope Blizzard doesn't just focus on the players DPS stats because even with the new difficulties, I fear that many characters in the game won't have the defensive stats needed to clear the higher torment and greater rifts (which is especially relevant to those that play hardcore).  For example, right now I can clear a greater rift 44 on my demon hunter but even with all my defensive stats (I have about 52 million toughness) I don't feel safe clearing a level 44 rift.  It is very possible to one's character especially in a high greater rift so easily because you can take so much damage in a very short period of time.  If Blizz does keep increasing the monster power level, the gap between the softcore and the hardcore players will become more larger (the softcore players won't have to worry about defensive stats at all ie. glass cannon). 

The Vancouver Canucks are making some big time changes to their hockey club.  I know in the off season, the team's goal was to get more younger.  There were rumors of trading a goalie and also some of their defense men.  Well, they just traded Eddie Lack to Carolina for a 3rd round draft pick and a 7th round draft pick (seriously?).  I personally don't like this trade at all, they should have traded Ryan Miller instead.  Also, the team is looking to trade Kevin Bieksa.  This I don't mind as much because there are several d-men that are looking to crack the Vancouver lineup.  Well I don't see much other changes to this team so I going to predict that Vancouver will probably make the playoffs next year but have another short playoff run. 

Finally Team Canada lost to England in the Women's World Cup today :(.  Even though they made some horrible mistakes that cost them goals, I thought the team played very well today.  It will be interesting to see how Team Canada progress after this World Cup since many players on the current team are going to retire.  The future looks pretty good, there lots of young players that currently playing on this team, although  they probably won't be another Christine Sinclair. 

Well even with all the changes happening, I wonder if the changes will make any big impact at all.  I like all the things that are coming patch 2.3.0 but I wonder if that will solve the problems that is in the game right now.  Like I mentioned in my previous blog, once everyone gets to experience all the new features, they might just get bored after 2 months of playing the new season.  Same goes for the Vancouver Canucks and Team Canada.  Changes are happening but will it make a difference at all? 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The D3 Problem

I have been playing lots of Diablo 3 lately.  Even though it is a bit "grindy", I really still enjoy playing this game.  We are into 2 months of Season 3 and there could be 2 more months before the season ends.  Many players  are quitting because they argue that there isn't much to do after doing endless greater rifts.  Are they correct?  Yes but for a player like me (who enjoys the endless grind) there is still room for a character to grow (I have lost 3 hardcore characters already this season so my current demon hunter is still looking for good gear). 

What Diablo 3 could use is something like a remix (I'll try to compare this to music).  For my music, I often listen to the same song over and over again.  Does it get stale over time?  For sure but if you really like the song, you are probably going to listen to it over and over again.  But what would be better is if that same song you like was just a bit different, hence the remix.  Even though you may not like this "new" version of a song (which is ok since there are many remixes that plain suck), at least you would experience something new.  Sometime the remixed version is even better than the original too. 

So what could Diablo do to remix their game?  Well since we are in the middle of a season, introducing new items and new zones are out of the question.  What if items in the game weren't repairable?   It would certainly change how we think about our items.  What if gems were more easily upgradeable?  Maybe it wouldn't make a much of difference but then again it could.  If the Diablo team can't come up with a viable remix, why not try asking the Diablo community?  Some the best Juno Reactor remixes have been done by the fans of Juno Reactor. 

Although changes in Diablo often come very slow (like WoW), I still think the Diablo devs could do something to change up the play style every so often.  It is good seeing games like Heartstone and Heroes of the Storm make changes often because it keeps their fan base interested in their games and not get bored and try playing a different game. 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

My First Blog Post

Hi my name is Juno and this is my first blog post.  I hope to share my feelings on many topics such as gaming, music, sports and life in general.  My favorite game right now is Diablo 3.  I have been playing since it was launched 3 years ago.  I play on the hardcore mode and have several level 70 characters.  Currently, I am playing a demon hunter for season 3. 

My favorite music is Juno Reactor.  I have been a big fan since the Mortal Kombat movie.  I have all the albums JR has put out plus some EP's as well.  My favorite song from JR is Samurai.  I am currently listening to JR's The Golden Sun Remixed album and loving every song from it. 

I am also a very big sports fan.  In particular a big hockey fan because I am Canadian.  I mostly follow the Vancouver Canucks because they are my home team.  The Stanley Cup finals are on right now but I don't really care who wins or not.  I am currently watching the Women's World Cup of soccer and I hope Team Canada does well.