Saturday, June 20, 2015

The D3 Problem

I have been playing lots of Diablo 3 lately.  Even though it is a bit "grindy", I really still enjoy playing this game.  We are into 2 months of Season 3 and there could be 2 more months before the season ends.  Many players  are quitting because they argue that there isn't much to do after doing endless greater rifts.  Are they correct?  Yes but for a player like me (who enjoys the endless grind) there is still room for a character to grow (I have lost 3 hardcore characters already this season so my current demon hunter is still looking for good gear). 

What Diablo 3 could use is something like a remix (I'll try to compare this to music).  For my music, I often listen to the same song over and over again.  Does it get stale over time?  For sure but if you really like the song, you are probably going to listen to it over and over again.  But what would be better is if that same song you like was just a bit different, hence the remix.  Even though you may not like this "new" version of a song (which is ok since there are many remixes that plain suck), at least you would experience something new.  Sometime the remixed version is even better than the original too. 

So what could Diablo do to remix their game?  Well since we are in the middle of a season, introducing new items and new zones are out of the question.  What if items in the game weren't repairable?   It would certainly change how we think about our items.  What if gems were more easily upgradeable?  Maybe it wouldn't make a much of difference but then again it could.  If the Diablo team can't come up with a viable remix, why not try asking the Diablo community?  Some the best Juno Reactor remixes have been done by the fans of Juno Reactor. 

Although changes in Diablo often come very slow (like WoW), I still think the Diablo devs could do something to change up the play style every so often.  It is good seeing games like Heartstone and Heroes of the Storm make changes often because it keeps their fan base interested in their games and not get bored and try playing a different game. 

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