Saturday, June 13, 2015

My First Blog Post

Hi my name is Juno and this is my first blog post.  I hope to share my feelings on many topics such as gaming, music, sports and life in general.  My favorite game right now is Diablo 3.  I have been playing since it was launched 3 years ago.  I play on the hardcore mode and have several level 70 characters.  Currently, I am playing a demon hunter for season 3. 

My favorite music is Juno Reactor.  I have been a big fan since the Mortal Kombat movie.  I have all the albums JR has put out plus some EP's as well.  My favorite song from JR is Samurai.  I am currently listening to JR's The Golden Sun Remixed album and loving every song from it. 

I am also a very big sports fan.  In particular a big hockey fan because I am Canadian.  I mostly follow the Vancouver Canucks because they are my home team.  The Stanley Cup finals are on right now but I don't really care who wins or not.  I am currently watching the Women's World Cup of soccer and I hope Team Canada does well. 

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