Saturday, September 12, 2015

Working Hard: Season 4 Update

I have been playing Diablo 3 a lot lately.  I had a couple of deaths recently and I am trying to recover from that.  The first monk that I made was lost at level 20 or so.  This wasn't so bad.  My second monk died at paragon level 235.  This wasn't so bad either because I didn't lose any gear that was part of my seven-side-strike gear setup.  My third, though, I lost at paragon 271 and this monk gave me the biggest headache.  Since my third monk died with the gear for the seven-sided-strike, my next monk (my fourth) had to gear up a lot just to get back to the level of my third. 

Even though I had these deaths, my season in Diablo 3 is going good.  I can't really compare with other people's paragon levels since all my paragon levels were done by myself.  I know several people have been grinding their paragon levels through groups and this makes the paragon leveling easier.  I prefer doing my grinding by myself because I like taking the harder road to achieve my goals.  The paragon leveling is much like the auction house debate in the original Diablo 3 game.  Sure you could get all your epic gear through the auction house by sniping items and re-selling items and this made sure you would be geared up pretty quickly.  But there was another option to play the game without the auction house (called self-found) where you would only use items you found yourself and not use the auction house at all.  I played much of the original Diablo 3 game with the auction house but when I switched over to hardcore (the hardcore server didn't have any real money auction house), it was easier to play self-found. 

Other than my paragon levels (which I am currently at 320), I got most of my items cubed (still reaching the goal of 100 items cubed).  I finally found a Flow of Eternity, which is needed for the seven-sided-strike build.  I am looking for another Unity ring (I have one already just need another for my follower) and I am also looking for a Fist of Az'Turrasq.  Right now, I am playing with a Tempest Rush monk so that I won't lose any of seven-sided-strike gear if I die.  The tempest rush monk is pretty fun to play with and it's much easier to farm for items with it.  Anyways, I hope I can continue to improve my monk and get back to doing high greater rifts.  

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