Saturday, January 23, 2016

Diablo 3 Season 5 Update

Well season 5 for Diablo 3 has started and I'm doing pretty good.  I had a bit of a rough start to the season but I managed to do pretty well lately.  I wanted to play a crusader at the start of the season but after a couple of deaths, I switched over to the witch doctor.  My first death for the crusader happened at level 17 so it wasn't a big deal since I hadn't played long on it.  So after creating a second crusader, I managed to reach level 70 and was on master difficulty.  I wanted to push getting my second invoker set item so I tried to do Zolten Kuelle at torment 2.  Unfortunately, that's where I lost my character.  I didn't feel like the crusader was fun to play at all, especially on the levelling process, so I decided to switch over to the witch doctor.  I feel more comfortable playing on the witch doctor since I have played with this class for a long time.  It seemed to me that the witch doctor is really super powerful when grinding to level 70.  I think in future seasons, I will start playing a witch doctor first and then switching over to a different class later.

The second crusader death made me question why I was pushing so hard to play in the new season.  It could have been easier to say "I won't play this season anymore, I will just go back to non-season."  But in the end, the reason why I am playing this season is to try to get all the rewards for playing the season, such as the cosmetics, the pet and the extra stash space.  It is very difficult to keep playing even though everyone else seems to be progressing further than you are.  I know a lot people are playing in groups and gaining bonus experience to grind their paragon levels.  Since I am playing solo, it's difficult for me to compare with others who aren't playing solo at all.  I know that eventually many people will stop playing the game and that is when I will end up catching to the other players.

So far, my witch doctor has managed to reach paragon 250.  Although it doesn't seem to be all that much,  reaching 250 a week after the season started feels pretty good to me.  I am currently running torment 7 rifts and my highest completed greater rift is at 37.  I know I can do a higher torment level, I am just waiting to get 2 Unity rings so that I will take less damage.  I am also looking for a Mara's Kaleidoscope so I can try doing a set dungeon with my Helltooth set.  Completing the set dungeon will complete my chapter 4 seasonal journey, which will give me a pet.  I think the goal for the rest of the season will be to reach paragon 600 and maybe try playing a crusader again.

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