Saturday, February 13, 2016

To TV or Not To TV

I have recently cancelled my TV cable.  I did this because I don't watch TV that much anymore and I wanted to save some money.  I don't think I will miss having TV because the only thing I really watch on TV is sports. I think more and more people will be cancelling their TV cable since there are other means of watching what the people want to see.  There are many phones now that can stream video and also computers and hand-held devices will also stream media.  I think the TV universe will change over time, the current generation of kids seem to prefer more mobile devices while the older generation (the baby boomers) have grown up with the TV as their main source of entertainment. 

This is also true for newspapers, magazines, etc.  There is more emphasis towards electronic media, especially through the internet.  People nowadays want the information fast and more to the interests of the individual.  For example, as a gamer myself, if I need information about a particular video game, I can't rely on the old forms of media (such as newscasts on tv or the newspaper).  Most of the time, the old forms of media won't cover what I need to read or see.  Therefore, I need my information through the internet, where the search function is very fast and reliable.  The older generation, such as my mom, have a tough time understanding this concept.  They rely on the older forms of media, which is often much slower and often geared towards the general public (and not towards the particular individual). 

I think the television in general will change over time.  Right now it is used as media display device but eventually I think the television will become more like a computer.  Who knows, maybe one day there won't be any *television* shows but just video shows.  It will be interesting to see what will happen to the television in the 10 to 20 years. 

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