Sunday, July 24, 2016

Diablo 3 Season 6 Review

Well Diablo 3 Season 6 is officially done.  I managed to do very good this season.  First of all, I ended up at paragon 904, which is more than what I expected from this season.  In my previous blog post, I was hoping to reach paragon 888, which was my non-seasonal paragon level.  With little time left, I ended up doing so many greater rifts that I pushed past paragon level 900.  I think this paragon level puts me in the top 450 of all NA players for the season.  This is pretty remarkable since I only play solo and don't play in any groups at all.  I guess it shows that there was very little interest from the player base playing in this season at all.  I would guess that there will even fewer players playing next season.  My overall paragon level sits at 1035 now, which is amazing that it is above paragon 1000 now. 

Secondly, when I was pushing higher greater rifts at the end, I managed to get up to greater rift 79 in the season.  This puts me at rank 104 for hardcore witch doctors in North America.  This is really good as well since last season I only managed to reach rank 373.  I could have done maybe a greater rift 80 but I was pretty pleased with reaching greater rift 79.  Thirdly, I managed to complete the guardian seasonal journey, which was the final seasonal journey goal.  I didn't finish the guardian seasonal journey last season so I was pleased to complete it this season.  I was worried mainly about completing a rift in 3 minutes, since it was pretty hard to do but once I did it, all I had to do was another conquest.  The conquest that I chose to do was the one where you had to kill all the bosses in 20 minutes.  It was pretty easy to do since the witch doctor has the Manajuma set, which makes you run very, very fast. 

Overall, I am very pleased at what I accomplished this season.  This was the first season that I felt that everything went smoothly.  I did not end up dying at all this season and I only played one character throughout the season.  I did get lucky with my drops early on in the season but after that I was just in a good rhythm the entire season.  My season 6 witch doctor has the about the same number of hours played as my season 5 witch doctor but I feel more powerful with my season 6 witch doctor than my season 5.  For season 7, I am kind of debating of whether or not to play a different class.  With the Haedrig's gift being the Helltooth set for the witch doctor, there will be many people playing a witch doctor next season.  I might end up playing a demon hunter since I liked playing with the Unhallowed set. 

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