Sunday, March 19, 2017

Diablo 3 Season 9 Review

Well season 9 of Diablo 3 just ended and I wanted to write a review of what I accomplished this season.  My main focus for playing this season was to play the crusader since I hadn't played with the crusader since season 4.  I ended up doing pretty good overall for this season.  I managed to reach paragon level 812, which put me in the top 1000 of all hardcore US players.  It was pretty amazing to reach paragon level 812 since I only play solo.  This is also amazing in that I reached the same paragon level that I did in season 7.  I spent about 134 hours in total this season, which is about the same time I put in during season 8.  My top greater rift clear was a greater rift level 71, which was rank 295 for hardcore crusaders. 

I was mostly playing the Legacy of Nightmare (LoN) Bombardment crusader.  I was playing with the Invoker's set at the beginning but my first crusader died pretty early.  The LoN bomb crusader is pretty easy to play with since it doesn't involve much button mashing.  It is pretty difficult to gear for and you do unfortunately take a lot damage with it.  It really feels different from the witch doctor (which I normally play) since you are more worried about the damage you are taking instead of trying to maximize your damage output.  Overall, the grinding aspect was pretty easy since all you needed to do was some lower greater rifts or normal T11 rifts.  These took very little time (I'd say about 5 minutes each) because with the speed boosts from your mount and you are only really concerned about killing elites.  I did have a lot fun playing with the LoN bomb crusader because back when I played Diablo 2, I played a lot of the conversion-thorn paladin and this kind of reminded me of that.  I kind of wanted to play with the Blessed Hammer crusader but it ended up being too squishy for me.  I think the damage output of the Blessed Hammer build is fine but managing the damage input is pretty hard. 

Overall, I am pretty happy of what I accomplished this season.  I ended up finishing the Destroyer seasonal journey and I almost finished the Conqueror seasonal journey.  The Conqueror seasonal journey rewards you with the extra stash space but since I already managed to get all my extra stash space, completing the Conqueror seasonal journey wasn't on my to-do list.  My overall paragon level now sits at 1239 and my main goal right now is clean up my stash space.  It is a real big mess right now because I have all kinds of gear for my witch doctor, my crusader, my demon hunter, my monk and my wizard.  For season 10, I am thinking of playing a witch doctor again since with this new season, there is going to be primal ancients and those are pieces of gear that I really, really want.  I wouldn't playing a different class (like the Wizard or the Barbarian) but I will probably stick with the witch doctor.  The new Necromancer class should be available to play in season 11 or 12 so I will probably be playing that when season 11 or 12 starts.  I hope everyone had a fun season 9 and good luck to those playing in season 10. 

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