Sunday, March 5, 2017

Vacation Spots that I want to go to

I have a total of 5 weeks of vacation time this year and I wanted to use some of that time to go to different place.  Lately, I have been going to BlizzCon, which is in Anaheim, California.  I was hoping to go somewhere different this time (although I might end up going to BlizzCon again).  The following is my list of places that I would like to go:

1) Hawaii
I have always wanted to go to Hawaii for a very long time.  The warm temperature and the beaches are definitely some of the features that I would like to experience.  I have done snorkeling in the past and I want to do it again.  I am a pretty good swimmer and I like to spend my time sitting out in the sun.  I know there are many more outdoor activities in Hawaii and I would love to spend time doing those activities.  I don't know which island I would go to but I will eventually have to spend some time researching for a vacation spot.  My family have always talked about going to Hawaii but we have never went.  I feel this year is a good time to vacation there. 

2) Mexico
Other than Hawaii, I would really like to go to Mexico (somewhere on the coast) to experience the same feature as Hawaii.  I think places like Cabo San Lucas or Cancun might be good vacation spots for me.  Also, I have heard nice things about Puerto Vallarta.  Either way, it might be exciting to experience some Mexican culture. 

3) Japan
I have been to Japan several times (I think like 5 times).  The last time I went there was in 2008, just to see Juno Reactor perform at the Fuji Rock Festival.  I am itching to go back to Japan again because I know that Japan is ever changing and I don't think I would recognize all the changes since I visited Japan.  I have family living there in Japan so housing won't be an issue.  There are lots of good restaurants and shops that I would like see again.  The only downside is that the flight to Japan is super long (over 10 hours). 

4) Toronto, Ontario
Since my brother is living out in St. Catherines, Ontario, I would like to visit him out there and see what Ontario is like.  St. Catherines is very close to Toronto and also Niagara Falls.  There isn't much of a reason other than to see my brother and maybe see Niagara Falls.

5) U.S.
Like I stated before, I wouldn't mind going to Anaheim, California again for BlizzCon.  I really have a lot fun while I am at Anaheim, although it is harder and harder to find things to do while I am there.  I wouldn't mind seeing other parts of the US, such as San Diego or Portland.  I prefer staying somewhere on West Coast, since it is pretty convenient to travel to those spots.  People have suggested going to Las Vegas, but that doesn't tempt me too much. 

Some other vacation spots that I once considered are Australia, Europe and the Caribbean Islands.  Those spots are off my list right now because they are too far away from where I live and it might be really expensive to go there.  Maybe when I retire I will consider these places but for right now, the top 5 places that I want to go are Hawaii, Mexico, Japan, Ontario and the U.S. 

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