Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Diablo 3 Season 12 Update

Well I'm off to a flying start on Diablo 3's Season 12.  I decided to play a necromancer this season since I wanted to play it last season but I knew everyone else would be playing it on season 11.  My necromancer started out pretty good.  The Haedrig's gift this season was the Trag'Oul's set, which is the blood set.  It is very good early on because it does a lot damage.  The only problem with this set is that your health fluctuates a lot, which is very dangerous for hardcore mode.  I was able to do most of my seasonal journey with this set, the blood nova is extremely fun to play with.  After playing with the Trag'Oul's set, I decided to play with the Inarius set.  The Inarius is also very fun to play with because when you trigger Bone Armor, it creates a circling bone armor around you doing damage to near by enemies.  This is often called the Bonestorm build and is extremely fast and the damage output is pretty good.  I am using this set right now just so I can do greater rifts and regular rifts done quickly.  My Inarius set is very tanky, it has damage reduction from the Unity ring, the Aquila Curiass and the Inarius set damage reduction as well.  Although this set is fun to play with, the maximum greater rift that it can do isn't as high as other necromancer sets.

I also tried playing with the Rathma's set, which is the pet build set.  This set uses the skeletal mages and is pretty fun to play with also.  The problem with this set is that your defenses is not very high so you are very vulnerable when there is enemies that can ignore your pets and come running into you.  I might try to build a high end Rathma set but I don't like the fact that you are pretty vulnerable.  Another option for a higher greater rift clear is playing with the Pestilence set.  This set is currently doing the highest of all the necromancer greater rifts.  I haven't played with this set so I am kind of hesitant of playing with this set.  I will probably watch some more guides on YouTube so I know what to expect when I try this set.

Overall, I am having lots of fun playing with the necromancer this season.  I am already at paragon 700 and I hope to reach at least paragon 900 when the season is over.  I have done a greater rift 72 with the Inarius set but I know that I could even doing a higher greater rift with one of the other sets.  I am also almost done with the season journey as well.  I only need to finish 2 more objectives for the conqueror seasonal journey and 1 more from the destroyer seasonal journey.  I should be able to finish completely the seasonal journey very soon.  After this season is over, I want to play with the witch doctor again because I love playing with the Helltooth set and I won't play with the witch doctor until this season is over.

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