Monday, November 6, 2017

My BlizzCon 2017 Review

I just got back from BlizzCon and I wanted to write a review of what I did there.  I had a lot of fun and I can't wait to go back again.  I decided to fly out to Anaheim on Thursday because I had already gone to Disneyland before and I didn't need the extra day(s) to do other stuff while in Anaheim.  So when I arrived in Anaheim, it was already about 1:30pm.  I quickly got my badge and I lined up for the Blizzard store.  The lineup for the store was pretty long, I ended up finishing by about 4:00pm.  Things that I bought was the goody bad booster pack, the key art magnet (which I always get every year I go to BlizzCon), a Diablo Halls of the Blind t-shirt and a Diablo toque.  I had already bought a Funko Pop D.Va, a blue murloc mug and the Snowball plushie before I went to BlizzCon so that I wouldn't be tempted to buy those things at BlizzCon and have to carry all those things back in my luggage.  The goody bag this year was a backpack, which was pretty cool.  Other stuff that came with the goody bag were some badges, a pin, a backpack hanger and a Cute but Deadly figurine.  When I finished with the Blizzard store, I went back to my hotel and took a little nap.  Later on, I managed to text my friends and meet them in person for the first time.  I was a little nervous about texting because I didn't know if my phone was going to work correctly while I was in the US.  We ate dinner together and then I stayed with my friends until about midnight.

On Friday, I woke up around 7:00am and I was going to meet my friends at 8:00 but they weren't ready yet and then I lined up for BlizzCon.  It wasn't too bad of a lineup. By 8:30, it was pretty long.  The bad thing about this year's BlizzCon was that there were two entrances.  There was one going into the main floor and another for the extended convention area (North Hall) .  I was trying to go into North Hall but it seemed that everyone was to be pushed towards the Mythic Stage which was really strange.  I guess they didn't want people to be running around the convention floor while the opening ceremony was about to start.  I managed to find my friends in all that chaos and we ended up sitting in the middle row, about 4 sections back from the main stage.  I couldn't see the main stage at all but I had a good view of the video monitors so it ended up being ok.  The opening ceremony was pretty cool but not as exciting as years past.  There was the WoW expansion announcement, a classic WoW announcement, a new Ovewatch character (Moira), a new Overwatch map (Blizzard World), a Reinhardt cinematic, a new Hearthstone expansion (Kobolds and Catacombs), Hanzo and Alexstraza reveal for Heroes of the Storm, StarCraft 2 free to play and no Diablo mentioned at all.  After the opening ceremony, I went over to the Diablo area and tried out the demo station.  This year, Diablo had set up a convention exclusive greater rift, where you had to beat certain bosses to go into the next level.  You could pick from the 6 classes and each had their own set you could play with.  The witch doctor had the Jade set and it was pretty easy playing with that set (since it was the same set that they showed form 2 years ago).  After I played Diabo, I went over to get posters and signatures from Diablo, Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch.  I tried out the Overwatch demo, which featured Moira and Blizzard World map.  I ended up stomping the other team while playing D.Va and Zenyatta.  After that I went over to the Heroic stage to see the Diablo panel.  The Heroic stage was by far one of the worst stages I have ever been to.  There was limited seating at that stage and they were only putting people in a couple at a time.  The Diablo panel was pretty good, although it seemed that they had something else to say for that panel.  After the panel, the Westmarch Workshop had its meet and greet so I ended seeing Leviathan and Neinball again.  I also saw other Diablo content creators such as Zhanji, BigDaddyDen and Bluddshed.  After that I went back to my hotel and then went over to California Pizza Kitchen to have my lunch.  After I ate, I went over to the Darkmoon Faire and watched the Community Contest over on the Epic Stage.  I played on the Hearthstone demo after watching the Community Contest and it was pretty cool.  I also managed to get a temporary tattoo from the Darkmoon Faire.  By 9:30pm, I met with my friends again and we went over to the Rainforest Café over by downtown Disney to have our dinner.  After dinner, we went to the movie theaters to watch Thor Ragnarok.

On Saturday, I woke up at 8:00am and I lined up around 8:30am.  One of the things that I first wanted to see on Saturday was the Overwatch World Cup.  Overwatch arena was really cool, it sort of reminded me of a smaller hockey arena.  Team Canada was playing Team Sweden in the first semifinal game and it was very exciting to watch.  The match was very intense, Sweden was doing great early on but Canada came back very strong.  It all came down to the final map on Oasis.  Canada managed to get a early lead and held on to win that semifinal game.  There were huge cheers for Team Canada because there were lots of Canadians watching that match.  After the semifinal game, I really wanted to buy a Overwatch Team Canada uniform.  Unfortunately, they were all out of small, medium and large uniforms so I ended up buying a x-large uniform (which isn't too bad when I am wearing it).  I went over to the food trucks to eat my lunch and it was very tasty.  After lunch, I went over the Heartstone area to get my Hearthstone poster and signatures.  Also, I got to meet Hafu and Trump and also got their signatures.  After that, I went over to Epic Stage to watch the Diablo community panel.  The panel was ok, it was only 30 minutes long (though it should have been longer).  My friends wanted to do WoW dungeon run together but I ended up watching the gold medal game between Team Canada and Team South Korea.  Although Team Canada was able to take one map from Team South Korea, the Koreans were playing too good and ended up winning the Gold medal game.  Although Team Canada lost, I was really proud of them since it meant that Canada was one of the top teams in the world of Overwatch.  I was going to play on the WoW questing demo but I ended meeting up my friends to watch the Muse concert.  The Muse concert was really good (it was way better than the Blink 182 concert that I attended).  I am not a huge Muse fan but I do recognize some of their songs.  My two favourites are Uprising and Knights of Cydonia, which were the last two songs that they played.  After the concert, my friends and I walked around the convention floor.  It was really cool to see the various e-sport stages up close.  We ended up eating at an Italian restaurant for dinner (I had some very good pasta).  And that was the end for BlizzCon.  Like I said before, I had an amazing time there and I can't wait to go back sometime again.


  1. Was awesome meeting you for the first time. Jen and I can't wait to go again and you helped facilitate all of this for us. Huge thank you and had a blast hanging out.


    1. Yeah it was nice meeting you and Jen. I've always gone to BlizzCon by myself so meeting some guildies for the first time was extra nice. I hope you had a great time at BlizzCon.

  2. We had a great time! It was wonderful to finally meet you in person!
