Sunday, October 22, 2017

Diablo 3 Season 11 Review

Well season 11 of Diablo 3 just ended and I wanted to give a review of what I accomplished this season.  This season went very well for me even though I didn't play as much compared to the other seasons.  I ended up reaching paragon level 934, which put me in rank 424 for the US servers.  My hardcore witch doctor ended up doing a greater rift 81 in about 12 minutes.  This is pretty good since my previous best was also a greater rift 81 but in 14 minutes.  The greater rift 81 put me at rank 32 for all hardcore witch doctor on the US server.  This is the highest rank I have ever achieved in a season so I am very happy that I was able to reach this rank.

I was mostly playing with the Helltooth set for the witch doctor again.  I tried playing with the Legacy of Nightmare spirit barrage set but I didn't like playing with it.  I was able to do a greater rift 81 with about a month left in the season but that is when I lost my witch doctor due to a disconnect.  I think I could have done a higher greater rift if I hadn't lost my witch doctor since I was able to do the greater rift 81 with 3 minutes left.  After losing my witch doctor, I quickly made another witch doctor but I wasn't motivated to try reaching a high greater rift again (my new witch doctor has only about 5 hours of play time on it).  It was pretty good that the season was going to end soon so I didn't have to try spend lots of hours trying to build my witch doctor again.  I was able to take a good break from Diablo but I was kind of nervous about losing my ranking.  I think I was near rank 24 or so when I first hit greater rift 81 but several people passed me later and I finished at rank 32.  Although I didn't finish my seasonal journey, I did complete it up to Conqueror again.

My non-seasonal paragon level now sits at 1451, which puts me near the top 500 US hardcore players.  For next season, I was hoping to try out the necromancer because I knew that lots of people were going to play the necromancer in season 11.  Patch 2.6.1 for next season is going to change lots of the sets so the top builds for each class is going to change a lot.  Even though I am tempted to play with the witch doctor again for season 12, I think this is a good season to try a different class.  Eventually, I also want to try out the wizard since I haven't played with that class for a very long time.  Season 12 is going to start after BlizzCon so there is lots of down time for most of the players.  I can't wait for BlizzCon to arrive (there's only 2 weeks left :D).

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