Sunday, October 8, 2017

BlizzCon 2017 Predictions

We are about a month away from BlizzCon 2017 and I am really excited about going to Anaheim again to see all the things Blizzard Entertainment will present at BlizzCon.  There have been some news already about what we can expect to see at BlizzCon this year.  First of all, there won't be any new Diablo news this year sadly.  It is sort of expected since Diablo has been working on Patch 2.6.1, which is a pretty big patch since it will re-work many of the set items. Season 11 will be finished in about 2 weeks and the next season (season 12) will start one week after BlizzCon.  I have more thoughts about Diablo later.  Second of all, the closing act for BlizzCon this year will be Muse.  I have never been a fan of Muse (although I do know some of their songs) so I probably won't be in a rush to see their show.

As for the other Blizzard games, I think they will be announcing a new expansion for World of Warcraft.  It is very likely since Legion has been out for a long time and that there is a WoW panel directly after the opening ceremony this year.  I think Heartstone is in a similar place with WoW.  There will probably be another expansion announced for Hearthstone.  In Overwatch, I am hoping we get news on a new character or a new map.  It looks likely that we will get a new character since Overwatch seems to announce about 3 new characters each year.  I am also hoping that they will show a new animated short for one of their older characters ( or Lucio maybe?).  Heroes of the Storm will probably announce more characters, most likely they will be Overwatch characters since they have been putting many Overwatch characters in Heroes now.

As for Diablo, I am kind of sad that they won't announce anything new this year.  I was hoping we might be getting a new class to play (maybe Druid?) but I don't think the Diablo team has started working on a new class just yet since the Necromancer just came out this year.  Many people point out that Diablo has only 1 hour of panels this year at BlizzCon and that they think that Diablo 3 is now in maintenance mode.  I don't think that is true because I think another class will definitely be announced some time next year.  If they don't, then that might mean that the next Diablo game might be ready to be announced.  I mostly think that development time for Diablo is way longer compared to the other Blizzard games so we can't expect Diablo to keep pushing out new content on a fairly regular basis.  I think the perfect time to announce something like the Druid would be at GamesCon 2018 over in Germany since the Druid has its roots over in Europe.

It is nice to write a blog post again since it has been a long time between blog posts for me.  My last blog post was in August so I am sorry about not writing a blog post in September.  I had written some of my thoughts into a fairly large blog post but I am having trouble putting all of my thoughts into that blog post.  There wasn't much news anyway during September so I was really having a hard time coming up with a topic to write about.  Hopefully, in the near future, there will be more news about which I can make topics of.

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