Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy New Year 2018

Well 2017 just ended and I had a very exciting year.  My most memorable moment of the year was probably when I went to BlizzCon again in November.  I hope to have as much fun this year.  There are a few things that I am looking forward to this year.

1)  I think 2018 is going to be a big year for Juno Reactor.  First of all, Juno Reactor's new album should be coming sometime early in 2018.  I am really excited about this because I already have heard some of their new songs and I really like those songs already.  Secondly, I think Juno Reactor will have a new website along with a new ReactorLeak forum in 2018.  I really missed the old ReactorLeak forum because I really miss the interaction between us Juno Reactor fans.  Thirdly, there might be even a Juno Reactor tour coming to the US this year so I am hoping that I can attend one of these shows.  It has been a long time since I last seen a full Juno Reactor show for quite some time.

2)  Could 2018 be the year Blizzard announces the next Diablo game?  There is lots of speculation right now that the developers of Blizzard are working on the next Diablo game (either Diablo 4 or some kind of MMO).  Speculation is also pointing out that this new game will come out in 2019 or 2020.  So it wouldn't be far fetched to think that some kind of announcement would be made in late 2018 or so (@ BlizzCon maybe?).  I am really hoping that Blizzard will announce this at BlizzCon 2018 because it will make the fans of the game really happy that the franchise will keep moving on.

3)  I am hoping in 2018 that I will be travelling a bit more than 2017.  I would love to go to BlizzCon again this year but I would also like to go to a Juno Reactor show if it happens to come to the US.  I am also hoping to visit my friend who lives in the interior of BC.  We first wanted to go fishing out on the BC coast but after thinking about it, that trip might be too expensive for us.  So instead I am hoping to go camping or do something else when I visit my friend.  I wouldn't mind going somewhere else (like Hawaii or Mexico) but I think I will wait a bit more for that.

2017 was a fun year but I think 2018 will be even better.  I will continue to work hard at my job and enjoy myself whenever I can in 2018.  I hope everyone else had a fun 2017 and I hope 2018 will be great for all.

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