Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The ReactorLeak Forum is Back!

Hey everyone.  Just wanted to let all Juno Reactor fans that the ReactorLeak forum is up and running.  The link to the forum is this: https://forum.junoreactor.com/.  There was once a ReactorLeak forum (from 2005 to 2012). When the ReactorLeak forum shut down, most of us Juno Reactor fans connected with each other on Facebook.  Now that the ReactorLeak forum is up and running, there have been lots of good discussion.  Ben Watkins is also very active on the forums so it is pretty easy to ask him questions about what the upcoming album might sound like.

First of all, Ben has given us some of his unreleased music.  "Puttin' on the Blitz" is one that I really, really like.  It was made for the movie, "Bunraku".  It is based on swing music but has a very lovely guitar section and some amazing vocals by Taz.  Another one is "What a Lovely Way to Burn".  I don't like this one as much since it is a bit darker than most of Juno's music.  I think if Ben worked on this a bit more, it would sound much better.  A couple of more music Ben has given us are "Dreams" (which he has given us previously), "Jo's so Mean to Josephene" (a Flowerpot Men remastered song), "Until the Day is Done" (featuring Ben's daughter Simone) and a "Conquistador" remix (featuring Sphongle).

Secondly, I asked Ben about one of his songs that he played at the Ozora and Lublin shows from last year.  He confirmed that the song I mentioned will be on the new album and that it will be called "Return of the Pistolero" (although he thinks it might be called something different, so it won't be confused with original Pistolero).  Ben also confirmed that "Our World" and "Alien" will definitely be in the new album as well

I am looking forward to all the good stuff that is coming from Juno Reactor this year.  The next Juno Reactor album is looking pretty good.  Hopefully there will be a North American tour sometime this year as well.  I know that there are lots of Juno Reactor fans in the US and Canada that are waiting to see Juno live again.

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