Saturday, July 11, 2015

Died Again

Well I died again in Diablo 3.  It's been my fourth death this season already.  Having not died at all the previous season, this is a bit of a shock to me.  But then again not really.  I knew I would be doing a very high greater rift on my demon hunter so the potential of me losing another character was very high.  I had been running greater rifts 42 and 43 a bunch of times before and had very few problems with it.  The problem with running those rifts is that at any time, there could be that one elite or rare pack that could kill you. 

The potential for very high death rates in the higher greater rifts only increases the problems coming in patch 2.3.0.  With Kanai's Cube, the greater the chance everyone to reach a higher greater rift exists.  But with that increase in the power, also comes with increase in the amount of damage taken (which leads to more deaths).  The problem isn't the amount of power one can reach with the new system but it is the amount of toughness one can stack with their gear.  Unfortunately, you can't just rely on stacking toughness anymore since you will need the dps to clear a greater rift.  So balancing damage and toughness on a hardcore character is really difficult right now as well as in the future.  I hope that the Blizz dev team can think of a way to limit the damage take at higher greater rifts or increase the toughness through gear. 

Well fortunately for me, I had just created a backup character about a week ago in case anything bad did happen to my character.  I just didn't think it would be this soon.  I have already geared my backup and I am able to clear a greater rift 40 so I don't think I lost too much progress.  The only thing I really don't like doing right now is leveling up my legendary gems again because it takes a very long to level them up.  I also am now using an Unity ring with my demon hunter so hopefully this will prevent a future death.  I am quickly approaching paragon level 600 for season 3 so I am excited about that.  Well time to go back grinding, see you next week (hopefully without any more deaths :)). 

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