Saturday, July 18, 2015

Paragon 600

Well I finally hit paragon 600 for season 3. 

Took longer than I expected.  Even though my non-seasonal paragon level is only at 585, this season's progress went very quickly.  One reason is because I did many greater rift level 40's with my character.  It must be giving me lots of bonus xp at the higher greater rifts.  My previous highest greater rift was a level 35 on my wizard in season 2.  I don't know how much more paragon levels I can do before the season 3 ends.  Perhaps I can reach paragon 700 but I think that it is too far away even though there seems to be lots of time before the season ends.  I got a week off from work starting today so I hope I can do lots of xp farming this week.

I haven't tried doing the Public Test Realm stuff yet (maybe I should).  I really don't like to do ptr stuff because all your progress won't count.  But I would like to test out the new features and how my characters would work in the new patch.  To me it would be better to wait until the "real" patch comes into effect. 

I also decided to play with the monk in the new season when it starts.  My goal is to play each class for one season each.  On the first season, I played with the witch doctor (although I mostly played non-season that season).  The second season, I played with the wizard and for the current season I am playing with the demon hunter.  I figure the monk would be the next logical choice since I have played all the int classes first and now the dex class second.  After season 4, I guess I will be playing either the barbarian or the crusader. 

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