Saturday, August 29, 2015

Diablo 3 Season 4 Update

Well season 4 of Diablo 3 started yesterday and it didn't exactly go so smoothly for me.  It is always exciting to start a new season.  Well I guess any "new" season is always exciting.  Just as I am excited about season 4, I'm also excited about the "new" football and hockey season that are about to start.

First of all, as I previously mentioned, I was going to play a monk as my main class this season.  I started out on hard difficulty and I wasn't having too much problems with it.  I was able to do the bounties on act 1 to 4 and started to head towards act 5 last because I knew act 5 mobs were a little bit tougher to do than the rest of the packs.  I managed to do some of the bounties before heading off to do Urzael.  Now I knew Urzael was a tough boss to do even before the season started because I saw someone die to him earlier in the day.  But since I managed to do the act 5 bounties, I thought I was safe.  How wrong I was.  Getting him to under 50 percent was pretty easy but after his flame cannon did so much damage and I couldn't even react and I died.  So after about 25 levels of grinding, I had to start all over again :(.

Even though I died, I managed to get myself to level 70.  I played through most of Friday night and Saturday morning.  I took a break after hitting level 70 at around 8:00am.  I came back and then something very scary happened.  The weather outside was really bad (lots of wind) and knocked my power from my home out.  I was in a greater rift on torment 1 (I think) and I had just managed to get a pack of mobs down and started moving towards another pack when the lights went out.  So after waiting nervously for about a couple hours, the lights came back on and I quickly checked to see if I was still alive.  Fortunately, I was alive and I didn't have to start all over again.

Currently I am paragon 50 or so and I have managed to do greater rift 13 (which is about torment 2).  I am playing as a tempest rush monk, which is really easy to play with.  I am hoping to get more gear so that I can start playing with a seven-sided monk build.  I probably won't play as much as I did in season 3 but I can't be sure.  If I manage to get anywhere close to where my demon hunter ended up, I will be happy. 

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