Saturday, August 1, 2015

Expansion News

I've been hearing a lot talk about expansions lately.  It looks like World of Warcraft (WoW) will be announcing a new expansion at the upcoming Gamescon over in Europe.  While I am not surprised about this, it was kinda a surprise of not announcing at BlizzCon instead.  Most players are excited about this since the current expansion had just released their final content patch.  There are many theories about what this new expansion is about.  Some think it will be a continuation of the current story while others think it will be revolving around a new zone.  While I did play the current expansion for a while, I don't think I will be playing the next expansion.  Although I do like WoW a lot, I simply don't have the time to do the end game (like raiding) so I really only see about half the content. 

Hearthstone also will be coming out with new expansion this month (August).  This expansion will be called the Grand Tournament and will feature a new mechanic called inspire.  Inspire is whenever you use your hero power, that will trigger something for that card.  The Grand Tournament will feature 130 new cards so getting the new cards will become a priority.  I have already pre-purchased some cards for $50 and I am currently saving up my gold so when the expansion does come, I can purchase some cards with my gold. 

Hopefully Diablo 3 will announce a new expansion soon too.  There is speculation that a new expansion might be announced at BlizzCon this year.  And since I will be attending BlizzCon, I am super excited about this.  I will have more details about BlizzCon in a later post.  Diablo 3 expansion news might be further away than BlizzCon because I don't think Diablo is quite done with Reaper of Souls.  Patch 2.3.0 is still not here yet and season 4 is still probably a month or 2 away.  There is still talk about another patch (2.4) that might be coming out.  So say if patch 2.3.0 comes out in October, season 4 might run for 4 months meaning that patch 2.4 might come out in February.  So the end of season 5 might be another 4 months from February so the new expansion might come out in June?  I don't know what the time line for Diablo will be but I am really excited about what is about to come. 

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