Saturday, August 15, 2015

New Season for Diablo 3

Well season 3 of Diablo 3 is quickly coming to an end.  The season will be closing on August 23rd.  Before the season does ends, I hope to reach paragon level 650.  I am currently at paragon 645 so it should be doable for me.  I have been leveling about one paragon level a day so it should only take about 5 more days of Diablo playing.  I am very happy of what I have accomplished so far this season.  I reached my personal high of greater rift 45 this season and I hope to do even better next season.  I was also able to do 3 conquests this season, one which I just managed to do today.  The one I did today was the Avaritia conquest.  This conquest involves getting a 50 million gold streak on hardcore.  It was pretty tough to do but I managed it doing in the Field of Misery. 

The new season of Diablo 3 will be starting on August 28th.  I am looking forward to this season because I will be playing a new class (the Monk) this season.  This will be my first time playing a melee type character for a season so I am a bit worried about dying this season.  As mentioned before in my other blog posts, reaching the higher greater rift and now the new, tougher torment difficulties is becoming very dangerous for hardcore players.  For example, this season I was able to do a greater rift 45 but I never, ever felt safe going into a greater rift that high before (especially without a Unity ring).  There is so much damage coming from mobs that you never know when there is a very bad elite or rare pack that could essentially one shot you.  This is true with some of the rift guardians as well (Perdition comes to mind). 

I don't know what type of monk I will playing this season yet.  It is probably going to take me a while before I will know what I will playing with because I tend to level pretty slowly.  I know a lot people will go very hard in the beginning trying to get items and paragon levels but my play style is very different than most.  I have a very consistent play style in that I only play 1 or 2 hours a day but then I play almost every day.  Most of the players go super hard but then after 2 months or so, they stop playing the game.  There really isn't much difference between the 2 styles except that in the beginning, I tend to start out slower but then I am able to catch up once everyone else stops playing. Luckily for me, I will have another week of vacation in September so hopefully I will get plenty of time to play Diablo in the future. 

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