Saturday, November 14, 2015

BlizzCon 2015 Review Part 2

This review is a bunch of lists that I want to share with you.

5 Things I Missed During BlizzCon

1) Overwatch - Overwatch was one game that I didn't get to play.  The lines for Overwatch was super long so I decided not to lineup for it.
2) Starcraft and Hearthstone Finals -  These two final matches I wanted to see but I just didn't have the time to watch them.  I was busy eating my lunch during the Hearthstone finals and I was busy attending the Diablo raffle during the Starcraft finals.
3) Hearthstone Tavern - I knew where it was but I didn't go to it because I didn't have any means of playing Hearthstone (no tablet/phone). 
4) Voice Actor Stage - There were many voice actors but I didn't get the chance to watch any of it. 
5) Diablo Lightning Talks - There were bunch of small lightning talks at the Slaughtered Calf Inn, I saw some of them but not all. 

5 Disappointing Things At BlizzCon

1) No Jinx Store - Usually the Jinx booth sells t-shirts but unfortunately none this year. 
2) Poor seating in Hall D/theater - If you were seated near the back of Hall D or the theater, you had a very difficult time seeing the screen
3) Lineup for the Blizzard store - The lineup for the Blizzard store was insane, especially on the Thursday morning.  Better time could have been spent doing something else. 
4) E-sport viewing times were way off - There wasn't any good rhythm watching the Hearthstone matches.  Plus, the Warcraft arena matches were still going on during the closing ceremony.
5) Very small area for Diablo - The area for the Diablo play area was the smallest of all the games.  Plus, there was only 1 panel for Diablo (although the lightning talks kinda made up for that). 

5 Things to Improve BlizzCon

1) Make BlizzCon a 3 day event - It is sort of happening already with the badge pickup and the Blizzard store open all day on Thursday.  Maybe the convention could be open so that people could play games all day Thursday. 
2) Larger area for Diablo - Even though the Slaughtered Calf Inn was a huge success, Diablo could have used a larger area for their play testing area. 
3) Better seating for Hall D/Theater - I think it would be nice if the seats in Hall D/theater were raised so that the people in the back would have a better sight line to see the stage (sort of like a hockey arena - the further back you are, the higher seating you have).
4) Continued presence of Blizzard staff/dev team - Much like the Diablo area, I wish all other games would have the same concept where you could talk and ask questions to any Blizzard staff/dev team people.
5) Better stream times for e-sport events - It was a bit of a mess watching e-sport events.  With Overwatch being included in the next BlizzCon, things could get even more messier.  Definitely needs more planning.

5 Things That Made BlizzCon Special to Me

1) Diablo Dev Team - One of the first things I did was to visit the Slaughtered Calf Inn.  I was able to meet and talk to many members of the Diablo dev team and it was such a joy to do so. 
2) Blizzard Community Members - There were many people at BlizzCon and almost all of them were nice to each other, whether it was talking to total strangers or just having a great attitude towards the game that they love to play. 
3) Wil Wheaton/The Cos-Players - Wil Wheaton did an excellent job of hosting the costume contest (he talked a lot about Diablo).  The Cos-players were so amazing. 
4) Artists of Blizzard - There were many pictures on the walls plus the 3d models of various Blizzard characters were amazing as well.
5) Other small events at BlizzCon - There were so many different booths you could visit to do various activities such as getting your picture taken or getting your face painted or buying various items. 

This is how I would set the schedule at BlizzCon:

Hall D Friday  (Panels on Friday is a brief view of what each game is going to do in the future)
10:00 - 10:45 Opening Ceremony
11:00 - 11:45 WoW Panel
12:00 - 12:45 Heroes of the Storm Panel
13:00 - 13:45 Diablo Panel
14:00 - 14:45 Hearthstone Panel
15:00 - 15:45 Starcraft Panel
16:00 - 16:45 Overwatch Panel
18:00 - 20:30 Contests

Hall D Saturday (Panels on Saturday could be more specific)
10:00 - 11:00 WoW Panel
11:30 - 12:30 Heroes of the Storm Panel
13:00 - 14:00 Diablo Panel
14:30 - 15:30 Hearthstone Panel
16:00 - 17:00 Starcraft Panel
17:30 - 18:30 Overwatch Panel
19:00 - 21:30 Closing Ceremony

I would make Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch share a stage for their tournaments and Hearthstone and WoW share a stage for theirs.  Starcraft tournament can stay where they are. 

I would move the Hearthstone play area over to the Hearthstone Tavern.  Maybe move the Diablo play area over to the Hearthstone play area.  Since the panel stage for Hall A would be unused, use it for the voice actors/artists. 

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