Saturday, November 28, 2015

My Top 10 Favorite Video Games

Today's list is my favorite video games of all time.  This list is fairly small because I haven't played many games at all.  I have only played on the NES, PS2, PS3 and on the PC.  Let's get to the list:

10.  River City Ransom (NES)
- When I first played this game, I didn't think much of it.  It seemed like a copy of Double Dragon.  You could play co-op with 2 players and the goal is to kill the bad guys using punches and kicks.  But unlike Double Dragon, there is an extra layer that makes this games good.  When you kill an enemy, you can earn coins.  With those coins, you can buy food to increase your health or if you have enough money, you buy special power ups that make your character do special attacks.  There are also a bunch of weapons that scattered all over the map and makes this game real fun to play.  

9.  Shogun: Total War (PC)
- Shogun is a turn based territory capture game.  The goal is to raise your army and conquer the entire map.  Shogun is based on the historical feudal battle in ancient Japan.  Much like another game on this list, there is a significant amount of history you can learn from playing this game.  Although the turn based system is nothing new from its previous games of the same genre, the fighting of different armies in this game is absolutely amazing.  There are various strategies in forming the shape of army and different army types. 

8.  Skyrim (PS3 + PC)
- Skyrim is an open world role playing game that is made by Bethesda Game Studios (the same company that made the Fallout series and previous Elder Scroll games).  Having played a previous Elder Scroll game, I knew what was to be expected (huge world with many different side quests).  What made this game better than its predecessors, is that there is no character class selection which makes it easier to start playing.  The music in this game is absolutely phenomenal and killing dragons feels absolutely epic (like who doesn't like to kill dragons). 

7.  Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 (PS2)
- Hot Pursuit 2 is my favorite car racing game of all time.  Not are you only racing against other cars but you also have to avoid the police and their road blocks.  The graphics in this game is amazing, there are several different types of cars and the soundtrack is pretty good as well.  2 player mode is also a lot of fun. 

6.  Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)
- Super Mario Bros. 3 is a game that I played a lot of.  Although it isn't too difficult (I made it to Bowser the first time I played it), there are various tips and strategies involved in this game.  Since I played this game a lot, I knew most of them by heart.  Quick story: When I was working down in the US, one of my co-workers brought his NES along with him.  Having told the guys I was working with that SMB 3 was an easy game, I played this game and beat it in about half an hour.  All the guys were like "WTF?!!??!". 

5.  NHL '94 (PC)
- The best hockey game of all time.  Not only this game had all the players, teams and stats of the real NHL but it also had things like injuries and glass breaking.  The game play was just ok (imo) but the rest of the game (like game modes, the music) made this game pretty epic. This game has an extensive cult following and is still remembered to this day.  Like this for example:

 Oh yeah this game has one of the finest video game music ever: Brass Bonanza!!

4.  Nobunaga's Ambition 2 (NES)
- Much like Shogun: Total War, this is a turn based territory capture game.  What this game had that Shogun didn't were things like the amount of generals you could control and the amount of political schemes you could do like steal peasants from rival daimyos or arrange a marriage.  Since this game came out before Shogun, its graphics isn't the greatest but the historical aspect I feel is much more accurate than Shogun.  

3.  Diablo 3 (PC)
-  It's probably a shock to many of you but Diablo 3 is one my favorite games.  Sure it has had a lot of problems but it is a game that I can play over and over again.  Having played Diablo 2, there were lots of expectations for Diablo 3.  At first, Diablo 3 was an especially difficult game.  But after a while (and after beating Inferno Diablo), there wasn't much of a goal in playing this game.  Only after the Reaper of Souls expansion came out, Diablo 3 has been heading in the right direction.  With seasons and various patches along way, I know that Diablo 3 will forever be one of my favorite games. 

2.  World of Warcraft (PC)
- WoW is my first ever massively multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG).  Having not played an MMORPG before, I didn't know what to expect.  At first I thought this game had a lot of issues (like how did that fireball hit me through a tree?), but after taking my first flight path to Stormwind, this game really opened my eyes.  Not only are the graphics unbelievable but the social aspect was incredible as well.  Having experienced the raids and the raiding aspect with my guild makes this game very special to me. 

1.  Tecmo Super Bowl (NES)
- The finest sports video game ever.  Not only is this game way better than its previous version (Tecmo Bowl), but with all the teams and players in it (plus the stats and cut scenes), this game truly has it all.  You can select various running and passing plays and customize it even further by selecting your offensive players.  Your players can get hurt during a season or just be in a coaches mode by selecting the plays and making the computer execute those plays for you.  Not only did I play this game a lot but I also studied the playbook, figuring out which plays works the best.  This game truly made me a better football fan. 

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